Have Your Business Crossed The Digital Divide - ToOLOwl
Sunday , February 9 2025

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Have Your Business Crossed The Digital Divide

Businesses have been transformed over the past year significantly. The year 2020 changed everything, and the businesses had to leave their traditional work habits behind to adapt to the new trends. They have to empower and expand their digital capabilities to serve their customers best and offer high-quality services.

One of the most significant technologies that emerged in this period was the Cloud Platform. It is one of the most accepted, acclaimed, and superior tools for the businesses of all sizes. The technology can not only simplify the operations, but it also saves money, competes with other technologies on a bigger scale, and is able to secure critical data over the network.

Cloud-based services have become essential for small businesses as it helps them to operate efficiently, increases their productivity, and scale your operations. The technology is also able to improve the overall operations and helps a small business to operate on the next level.

The market today is filled with numerous cloud-based applications. These applications address some specific tasks and job functions. The three components of your business that can benefit from cloud-based technology are as under.

Project Management

Small or big, you need to carry out exceptional team management and organizational activities for your business. Teamwork efficiency can be achieved with high collaboration and efficient tools. Some of the top features of the cloud-based project management tools include:

  • Assigning tasks and responsibilities to the team members.
  • Creating a budget and timelines for the project.
  • Track the progress on the assigned projects.
  • Making it easy for team members to communicate.
  • Share and store files easily.
  • Secure data
  • Access the projects from anywhere and anytime.


Consumers, after a year of uncertain year, want to be remembered and appreciated. This also means that the businesses need to provide a personalized customer experience to them to keep them engaged with the business and its products and services. Small and medium-sized businesses need to develop and market personalized offers for their customers.

For this, the businesses just need to look at the relevant data which you have collected and stored over the cloud. The information that might be useful in this can include.

  • The products/ services that the customer has browsed on your website in the past.
  • The products/ services they have purchased.
  • The activities they have been doing on your social media channel.
  • The promotions, coupons, and special offers on which they have responded in the past.

All this information will help you know which of your marketing information will best resonate with the customers. This information will help you to target them with the help of appropriate messaging. Businesses can also create customer loyalty programs with the help of some smart cloud-based solutions.


As the cloud-based project management system will improve your everyday tasks; similarly, the cloud-based platform will help to improve your accounting tasks. These tools are capable of consolidating the necessary tasks, optimizing, and automating them so that the overall accounting activities gets improved. These tools will help you save a significant amount of time and efforts.

The cloud-based system that operates online is capable of collecting online data in real-time to generate insights. They also enable instant collaboration with the accounting team members, house, or, at a remote location.

The cloud-based application helps you tackle some specific tasks, including bookkeeping, payroll, and keeping track of the expenses. As more and more accounting tasks go to the digital platform, the efficiency of the business process improves as the company crosses the digital divide.

Shifting to the digital platform is one of the essential steps that you need to take to move to the other side of the digital divide. The cloud-based applications will not only make your system more efficient; they will help you move ahead on the success journey.

SourceSmall Biz Trends

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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