Best Project Management Tools Product Review- DynaDo - ToOLOwl
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Best Project Management Tools Product Review- DynaDo

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You can see Top 10 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses and Top 3 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses to look into details.

DynaDo is one of the best project management tool dynamite consisting multiple features for the growth of the business. More than a project management platform, it serves all the business essentials in one place. It provides management of your projects, files, team communication, and other tasks of the company. One can create jobs, assign it to a person along with the deadline. DynaDo’s automatic workflow system will set workflow for the company people, be it an employee or a freelancer. It functions as per the priority of to-dos of employees.

Due to the sharp communication features, users can collaborate directly on any topic regarding any project requirement and planning. Moreover, it increases the productivity of your teams. DynaDo includes CRM system that helps in client management and converting them into the leads. It maintains a bright and active communication between the users.

The application serves all the connected business things on a single platform. Micromanagement is hectic and messy, switch to more comprehensive and efficient view of your tasks and projects. The app allows you to make quick, efficient, and smart decisions in project creation and seamless communication.

Editions and Pricing

Free Up to 5 users
$19/user monthly (free for first five users) 6+ users

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

Product review_Dynado_InboxInbox
As the name indicates, it stores all your business communications. Any message you can view here through the categorized options including social, observed, starred, and others. A user can send event, project, or any other information that will be shown in the recipient’s inbox.

It only works as the email.Here, over any received message, you can start chat regarding the subject with any of the team members in real-time.

Product review_Dynado_TasksTask Creation
Compose, assign, and start working on a task. Just add a name to the job, its team members, and the time limit (deadline). Moreover, there is a share option to link it with other threads or observer. A timer is displayed when you start on the task, which can be pause whenever you want.

You can also send a reminder to it.Priority can be set for the assigned user. The additional categories here shows associated message as per their status and completion level.

Product review_Dynado_projectProject Creation
The project is a more significant response than the tasks. In this section, a user can add folder or project.

Also, it shows the projects you are a part of. You can decide the members of a project and can determine their access levels along with observing capability.

Product review_Dynado_CRMCRM Management
Your customers are the key to your business. Add customers that are valuable to you, so next time any sales inquiry comes up, you can add tasks to the appropriate employee. Categorize the clients to maintain a comprehensive business relationship.

Product review_Dynado_PeoplePeople
All the work related to your people can be done here. Add employees or department as per your organization. Track the hierarchical of your company.

Furthermore, the app allows you to set the role of a contact. You can see all the associated information to a person from contact details, chats, tasks, projects, to reports.

Product review_Dynado_CalendarCalendar
It provides the functionality to schedule any meeting or holiday period. If a user is serving his holiday, the app will notify about it before making any conversation to the person. The calendar is sharable with other people. The subordinated employees’ schedule is visible so you can keep track of their vital dates.

You can directly add events and vacations from the calendar interface.

Product review_Dynado_CalendarAutomated Workflows
A user can receive automated created workflows as per the organizational work. You can add the necessary actions along with conditions suitable for targeted processes. The app already consists vital and useful filters incorporated into the workflows.

The diversified options are helpful to manage the associated work. Once activated, any workflow will not be modified.

Mobile Accessibility

Currently, the app does not provide accessibility via a mobile app.


The app offers combination with Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud, Zoho, and Thunderbird.


It consists a help center with essential forums. Also, you can send the team your queries via email.

Pros and Cons of DynaDo


  • Label the threads.
  • An observer can be added.
  • Import customer list.
  • Group of people can be formed for connecting with them at once.
  • Automated Workflows.
  • Workflow templates.


  • Cannot edit the event location.
  • Need to have a dedicated mobile app.

Read Also: Project management tools product review – Taskworld


It is a suite to grow your business. The multiple features allow the management of all the projects and tasks run by the employees. Automated workflow is the dominant feature that creates workflows for the team as per their roles and task priority. Eventually, team productivity is increased, which will take the business to the advanced level.

For more details, please visit DynaDo website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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