Project Management Tools Product Review- Yakk - ToOLOwl
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Project Management Tools Product Review- Yakk

Project-Management-tools-Product Review-yakkIt is critical to have a secure interface where an organization can run their operations reliable. Data and communication play the key roles in a firm’s workflow. Therefore, it requires a robust infrastructure for conducting crucial tasks.

Yakk tool is expert in a collaboration which provides communication and management across the enterprises. The vital feature of the app is it is installed on the users’ network, not on the public cloud. The user can have reliable access all over the network. Yakk comes with unlimited storage and an active directory integration without logins. Yakk makes it easy to have complete control over both the data and users.

Editions and Pricing

Yakk is presently in beta version and is free for now.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

The categories differentiated by the user is known as Channels here. Every conversation could be stored separately in different channels according to the data. They are public and private. Anyone can join the open channels but for the individual channels, there must be an invite from the user itself. There is no rule to make channels; they are available for any topic, team or anything. Moreover, these helps in sharing files and documents.



yakk_project_managementProject Management
The app offers the interface where everything from files to the discussion can be done. It provides a quick snapshot of all the relevant activities. The app shows all the channels, tasks, schedules at one place. They are easily manageable for conducting the projects across firms. Tracking of tasks is done to ensure proper workflow.



yakk_task_managementTask Management
Tasks are important in an organization. The app assigns the task to the user and tracks the progress. It informs about the pending and unallocated task to keep up the balance. A user can even add notes relevant to the tasks.



yakk_powerful_searchPowerful Search
The user can find anything throughout the application from one location. Be it a text or a document, Yakk has power search capabilities of Microsoft SQL Server. For security purpose, a user can inhibit the searching options based on user’s accessibility.


Mobile Accessibility

The app offers compatibility with the web and with mobile platforms as well.


Yakk app provides the combination with the modern tools such as Twitter, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Facebook.


It provides support via Emails where a user can send the description of the issue to the product team.

Pros and Cons of Yakk


  • The private network provides a high-security function.
  • Real-time chat.
  • Automatic file deduplication and compression.


  • No restriction of time to complete a project.


Yakk app securely serves the functionalities within the enterprise. The tool easily collaborates with others and provide a secure communication. It efficiently manages the users and controls their access to Active Directory.

For more details, please visit Yakk website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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