BI Tools Product Review- Mediatoolkit - ToOLOwl
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BI Tools Product Review- Mediatoolkit

BI Tools Product Review- Mediatoolkit

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Mediatoolkit is the most efficient social media monitoring and web presence tracking platforms. With many features and powerful reporting capabilities, this application works as a great Business Intelligence tool for your business.

Editions and Pricing

Media Toolkit is available for a 13 day free trial for all users. The pricing policy is flexible and can be availed as you need it. The application is available free for the firs 13 days, and then you can choose a plan (monthly or yearly) as you need it.

The monthly plan starts from $21 for one topic and the price increases with increase in the items.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

mediatoolkit-addyourcompnyandgetstartedAdd Your Company and Get Started
As the name suggests, the application works to track your online presence and help your brand promote your products. The first thing you need to do is to provide your brand name to help the product track its progress.

mediatoolkit-reportskeepyouinformedReports Keep You Informed
The reporting section of the application lets you know about the number of mentions in the past 30 days. This section provides a graphical representation of the performance of your online presence. Reports also show the track record about the mentions per hour.

You also get to know sources from which these remarks were taken. The sources are- web, Facebook, Twitter, forum, comment, YouTube, Disqus, and Instagram. Other features in the reports include-

  • Influencers
  • Sentiment
  • Mentions, and
  • Topics and Tags

Export Reports
With Media Toolkit, you can not only track your real time progress, but you can also export reports to PDF and Excel sheets to keep a record for the future. For this, you only need to click on the Export button on the top right corner of the dashboard.


The application sends regular alerts to you to keep you informed about what’s going on over the internet. This is one of the best ways that help you to track your business performance. Media Toolkit provides your emails on a regular basis. The email alert options are:

  • Real-time email alerts
  • Daily email alerts
  • Weekly email alerts, and
  • Custom email alerts

mediatoolkit-invitepeopleandsareinsightsInvite People and Share Insights
Once you gather ideas that all you need, you can ask your colleagues to share the information of a folder with you. This can be done by clicking on the share button on the top right corner of the dashboard.



Mobile Accessibility

The application is available on platforms such as:

  • Web App
  • iOS App
  • Android App


The application integrates seamlessly with a number of external platforms. Media Toolkit integrates with social channels to gather insights such as

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Instagram


The website itself is very instructive giving all the details that you need. Additional support includes:

  • FAQ
  • Chat Support
  • Blog

Pros and Cons of Mediatoolkit


  • The application is available in a number of languages – English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, German, and many more.
  • A umber of filters and drill down functions help you to gather insights.


  • The platform fairly satisfies the customer. No such loopholes found.


  • Multiple language support.
  • Robust search operations.
  • Sources were pulling for more than 10 million websites.

For more details, please visit Mediatoolkit website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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