Growth Hacking Tools Product Review- DickyBird - ToOLOwl
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Growth Hacking Tools Product Review- DickyBird


DickyBird is a Social Media Management tool through which you can bulk upload tweets. DickyBird will automatically add images to them by fetching them from the links included in the tweets. You can save your tweets and form lists; this saves you a lot of time as you don’t have to re-upload them after posting them once. You can schedule the lists, start them, pause them, stop them and reuse them the way you like. DickyBird will also have the humanize feature that will send out tweets at a frequency that you set.



Editions and Pricing

DickyBird is available in three versions. The Little Bird version allows 72 tweets per day. In this version, you can schedule posts, lists, and set the five-minute frequency at $10 per month.

The Big Bird version allows 600 tweets a day; you can use this for two Twitter accounts and save up to seven lists. This version allows you to humanize frequency and auto restart list. You can buy it at $20 per month.

The Mega Bird version will cost you $60 per month. This plan allows unlimited tweets and you and use it for unlimited Twitter accounts.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

DickyBird_CreatListCreate Bulk List
You can create a list by using a CSV file. You can simply upload a one column file that contains your tweets and links. DickyBird will automatically fetch the images from the links. You can also have a two column list in which the second column contains the link to your image file. You can then name the list and set the frequency for the posts.


You can choose to restart the list after 24 hours so that you don’t have to re-upload the list yourself. In this case, you can only bulk upload a list that has tweets for as much as 24 hours.



The status of your list is under your control. You can start, stop or pause it anytime you want. When you pause the list, it will not post the scheduled tweets and will start posting from where you left after your press start again. When you press stop, the list will start from the beginning when you press start.


You can view the lists and posts, make changes in them and delete them anytime you want. You can delete an image if you want to add your own image.



Pros and Cons of DickyBird


  • Ability to create bulk lists save you a lot of time.
  • Fetches image automatically from a URL
  • It can fetch images from your Dropbox also.


  • You can’t switch a repeating list to a non-repeating list.


The most promising feature of DickyBird is the ability to upload bulk tweet along with images. Another stand out feature is that you can save and reuse lists. Both of these features are missing from the leading social media management tools.

For more details, please visit DickBird Website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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