You would have spent a lot of time to prepare your campaign, and your only wish would be that your hard work pays off.
You might have the right intentions, but you might be doing it the wrong way.
Below are some of the tested and proven steps to make your crowdfunding campaign a success.
Include a Compelling Story
The readers/ backers should be able to believe that your initiative is doable. Thus, you should appeal in in both logical and emotional way. The campaign should not be just about money, but should also have the valid reasons for the backers to believe. You have to sell the “why” and once that is done you are half way through.
You need to be original and authentic. You can prove your authenticity through screen shots of cost breakdown required for the cause. You can provide website links, articles, and videos supporting your idea. Provide your contact details and encourage to connect to establish genuineness.
When you begin with an initiative, you would have a list of people in mind whom you would like to visit in person. It is always better to create a database of those people. Plan and schedule the milestones at which you would send the updates to your potential backers. Decide and finalize the social media tools you would need to promote the campaign.
Read Also: Using Social Campaign for Growth Hacking
Use your Network
You can use tools that will help you send personalized emails to the people in the personal network. Be it friends, family or community members; you can use tools to send emails to everyone. Mail Merge is one such tool.
Social Media
Twitter and Facebook are the best platforms to share your campaign on social media. It helps people to realize that crowdfunding is real and the people supporting you are real.
Timely Updates
Show love to all the people, especially the individuals who have already contributed. You can maintain a separate list of individuals who already helped and people who are yet to respond. You can send friendly reminders and the responses you have received to people who have not met. You can also share screenshots and replies and let the people know how far you have come and how far you are from your destination.
Use Pictures
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. When you post some long, people lose interest. Thus, it is often advised to use captivating posters to send updates. You should also include the logos of the companies or organizations that are supporting you. This will ensure that your campaign reaches to a wider audience.
Notable Influencers
You could write to the influencers in your circle and let them know how far you have reached and the efforts taken for that. Request the influencers to support you by backing you up not with money but with their expertise. This will make other believe that you can be trusted.
Think from the other end
Put yourself in the shoes of random people and thoughts. This will help you to come up with different ideas that not only connect the backers but also motivate them and force them to get in touch with you.
The final step
Your campaign is not you end, but your beginning. Once it ends, it becomes your responsibility to keep your word and do as you promised. Take the commitments seriously and show you, backers, that you are taking action so that their trust in you does not go in vain.