Starting your own business is like fighting a battle in itself. Every step you take, there’s a big challenge coming your way. But, once you overcome these challenges, the results are certainly fruitful. Success does not come easily to anybody, everyone has to face failures at one point or the other. One has to come up with unique ideas and set oneself apart to survive in the competitive market. We have analyzed three such inspiring small business success stories who managed to make it big on their own, have a look:
AJ Bombers
Who are they?
AJ Bombers is a burger joint that is situated in Milwaukee. They managed to be successful in a considerably short period of time. It was launched in circumstances that most people would presume will result in failure, but it didn’t. Firstly, it started at a time that was going through the worst of recessions seen in generations and secondly, they chose a location that had already witnessed about 5 business failures in the recent past.
What made them a success?
AJ bombers did a commendable job at utilizing social media to build a personality for their brand. Of course, much of the credit for their success goes to the customer experience and quality of their product, but the power of social media enabled them reach their customers and generate a fan base. They were actively engaged on Facebook, Twitter and FourSquare. They kept updating Facebook posts numerous times a month and succeeded in collecting thousands of fans. They posted about 10,000 tweets and managed to get 3000 followers. AJ bombers organized a special event where a number of FourSquare users turned up, as a result, they were able to generate a revenue about twice of what they usually made. They also utilized YouTube, organizing contests where they awarded free burgers for a year to the winner. One thing to note is that they managed to achieve all this without spending any big amount of cash for their social media campaign, neither did they use these channels to make direct marketing offers. They utilized social media for driving people to their actual location.
Who are they?
Pandora is a music recommendation service that offers personalized recommendations according to a listener’s music taste. It ascribes a “genetic code” for each music piece having attributes that describe different characteristics like emotion or intelligence. It offers social interaction to its listeners by allowing them to like their favorite music and follow people that share the same taste in music as them. It has grown its services from the internet to mobiles and now even automobiles.
What made them a success?
Their team went social to connect to their customers and to get them interacting with each other. They offered a personalized listening experience to their users, which made their customers feel like they are at the center; also, it generated a sense of loyalty in the customer towards the brand. Pandora serves about 80 million active users per month. Another thing that works in their favor is that they have detailed profiles of their customers, which made it helpful for advertisers to place ads by matching them according to what is relevant to the listeners. This made it easier for them to connect with ad buyers quickly and earn a profit.
Who are they?
Voxy is an eLearning company founded by Paul Gollash and Gregg Carey. They offer personalized and adaptive English courses with real-world content. Launched in 2012, Voxy was amongst the most disruptive technology startups that year. It has about 3 million users from different countries across the globe. It has been rated as the best education app in 23 countries.
What made them a success?
Voxy used technology to come up with some innovative ways for teaching. They follow the principles of task based learning. Every course they provide to the learners is designed according to the user’s performance, aims and interests. They use authentic content that the learners find relevant. The curriculum includes English songs, articles from leading publishers and audios and videos of people performing everyday tasks. The Voxy app syncs well with all of the user’s devices. They also provide performance analytics and advanced reporting to measure the learner’s performance. They keep coming up with innovative ways to improve the learning experience for the users.
The Bottom Line
All three of these businesses followed some unique paths to find their way to the top. AJ Bombers realized the power of social media and used it to their advantage in an ingenious manner. Pandora managed to gain customer loyalty by offering them a personalized service. Finally, Voxy never stopped looking for newer ways to improve the experience for its users. What’s common in all of them is that they all paid special attention to user experience and maintained the best quality for their product.