Collaboration Tools Product Review- Table - ToOLOwl
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Collaboration Tools Product Review- Table

Collaboration-Tools-Product-review-TableCollaboration is a crucial aspect of running a business. Whether it be a small business or large scale business, collaboration tools play a very important role in providing a finish to your business product or service. It brings several employees to work in sync and produce the best quality outputs. There are already a lot of collaboration tools dominating the market place with lucrative features but still some startups are working tirelessly to bring more innovative and engaging tools to the market.

Table is one such startup which is currently putting all its efforts in collaborating and defining creative ways to interact. Table provides a lot of amazing options to make collaboration an interesting task by creating different tables with specified access so that required employees can work together on files, share documents and even doodle to make this exasperating process a little lighter.

It also enables multimedia chat for various employees to communicate. Tables’s interactive features lets the user portray his profile to showcase his work and his presence on private and public tables. Same can be used for grabbing partnership opportunities, work, groups and conversations. This tool also helps the users to search for collaborators based on the skill sets to help you with your project, something that most of the collaboration tools miss out!

Editions and Pricing

The tool is currently available for free.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

Collaboration_table_signupEasy Sign Up
The official site of table has been developed in a very simple layout highlighting the company’s strengths. Sign up option can be located at a glance and is a very simple process just requiring user credentials to welcome the user to Table’s family.



Collaboration_table_sidebarIntuitive Dashboard
Table opens up to a very simple and intuitive dashboard that has centralized controls with an effective search bar to search for projects according to the user’s requirements. The dashboard consists of three distinctive sections namely, side bar, central pane and menu.The

The side bar consists of collections of all your data on Table categorized in 3 categories: projects, tables and people. By clicking on the ‘+’ sign a new task can be initiated. Projects lets you create a new untitled project, where a user can upload files and add text accordingly. It also lets a user obtain a URL of the project destination which can be used to share with people.




Collaboration_table_inviteThe new table option lets the user create a new table by uploading files and drawings, it also allows user to add messages with the files to give a better understanding of the document. People can also be invited to collaborate on a table using “invite to New Table option”.

The central pane shows details according to the option selected in the side bar. The people option in the side bar provides the user with an option to follow people on Table platform. Table also provides option to change a specific table setting like permissions, discovery and sharing etc.


Collaboration_tables_detailsThe Menu option provides additional functionality to manipulate user’s profile and settings. It also has a FAQ option to view if user faces any difficulty in handling the tool. It also has an option to view the terms and services of the product and the option to sign out.




Collaboration_table_miniresumeThe profile option lets the user create mini resume that other users will be able to view, with the ability to upload profile picture to be visible along with the profile. It lets the user add location, areas of expertise, website etc. It also previews user’s projects and about description that can be altered.



Collaboration_table_settingsThe settings option provides the facility to manage the notifications a user wants to receive, including clock settings and an option to delete the account, which I am sure none of the registered users of Table require. The FAQ option redirects to a support page which caters to user’s query and provides information of how best to use Table. The notifications bell on the dashboards pops up with all the notifications a user receives with quick access.


Mobile Accessibility

Currently, the tool doesn’t offer mobile apps.


Table provides support to its user through live chat. FAQs are also available to assist users with any difficulty.


Table does not have integration with other tools.

Pros and Cons of Table


  • Innovative and easy to learn interface.
  • Creating and managing projects is very easy.
  • Allows custom messages to be uploaded with each file.
  • Mobile access is available.
  • Invite people to collaborate based on skills requirement anywhere from the world with search people option.
  • Absolutely free for use.
  • Innovative project showcasing.


  • Media file view for .pdf files is very narrow.
  • No upload progress bar to show the progress on file uploading.
  • Project appears private if you share it to a non-registered user.


Table is a very fabulous product if you wish to provide your co-workers an interactive environment to collaborate. It makes collaboration process easier to track and provides amazing project showcases along with a chance to project your profile in a descriptive manner. Most importantly, it provides quick and responsive support through its live chat option so you are never stuck on any problem for a long time.

For more details, please visit: Table website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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