Project Management software Product Review- Grapple - ToOLOwl
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Project Management software Product Review- Grapple

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You can see Top 10 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses and Top 3 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses to look into details

Collaboration is always a difficult task when it comes to a project. Often projects with lack of cooperation end up in bad shape. Number of tools help in collaboration but somehow miss one or two crucial things.

Grapple is one of a project management tool on such tool which is not only easy to use but also contributes to collaborate and manage projects quickly. It allows collaboration with new members by inviting them. The tool helps to manage both dynamic and static documents to administer the plan effectively. The whole idea behind the creation of the tool is to ease the work of project manager by preparing and documenting a project in on place.

Read Also: Project Management Tools Product Review – Boomr

Editions and Pricing

The tool provides the first document for free with unlimited users. The tool also has a paid plan with the name “gsolo”. The paid plan costs $15 per month. The payment can be made with your card.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

product_review_grapple_projectCreate Project
The users can create several projects, and each project can have multiple documents. The projects can be directly created from the dashboard.


product_review_grapple_document_templatesDocument Templates
The users have three options to create a document. The users can upload a document, start a new document from scratch on the tool or the users the use the templates provided by the means.


The tool has templates for quality management, executive status report, lite business care, project charter, project management plan, risk management plan, initial business case, and government business case.

The users can collaborate with other people by inviting them through their email. The new users can be invited to the required project and document.



product_review_grapple_document_detailsReport Details
The users can view the report details like status, project owner, modified date, etc.



product_review_grapple_document_optionsReport Options
The users have options to preview the report, issue for approval, save the existing document as a template, delete the paper or change the approver.


Mobile Accessibility

There are no mobile apps for the tool. However, the tool can be used on the mobile browsers.


The tool does not integrate with any other applications or tools.


The team provides support only through live chat. The tool also provides a video after registration to guide the users about the usage of the tool.

Pros and Cons of Grapple


  • Predefined templates make the work easy.
  • Easy to save and access documents from anywhere.


  • The upload option does not work.

Read Also: Top project management tools product review –


The ability to efficiently manage dynamic and static files with 24/7 access to the data makes the product different from others.

For more details, please visit Grapple Website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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