Timeline Making the Workflow Easy for SMB's - ToOLOwl
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Timeline Making the Workflow Easy for SMB’s

Timeline-Making-the-Workflow-Easy-for-SMB'sIs managing a project seems like a bulky task? Of course it is! Especially in SMB’s where there is a struggle to establish the business and a lot of processes are going on simultaneously. There are a lot of tools available online to make this task a bit easier. But it is still difficult to keep track of targets and deadlines jumbling them with services at the same time.

Timeline app is a startup that organizes these tedious tasks. It makes managing milestones and deadlines easy with calendar, files and invoices all assembled together at one place. Timeline is soon expected to reach immense success because of the ease of use it provides lessening the burden and constant stress that exists in business.

The Motivation

Managing a business can be pretty exhausting, with all the independence of owning your own business.  Sometimes inefficient management can lead to chaos and soon the work starts piling up, stress increases and deadlines are not met. To those who love to work independently, Timeline serves a great purpose. The ultimate goal while assembling this product was to save time and figure out client’s need ahead of time to provide a framework on which to build the service or product. The plan was to cover the essentials of a business: why, how and what.

What Client Needs

Timeline focuses on client’s need. It can be lucidly formulated that clients come up with their needs but they don’t always have a clear picture of what their project is going to be. When a client opts for a new service he is unsure of your capability to respond to his task. Timeline helps you to show to your clients how well prepared you are for their task and how you are able to anticipate their needs. Clients have always some sort of confusion in their mind regarding how well you have understood their requirement, by providing them a visualization of the project you can let them know that they have come to the right person. It eliminates confusion by giving your clients regular mail updates regarding the progress of their project and at the same time encourage you to meet the deadlines.

Arranging the Workflow

Project management is entirely dependent on workflows. With so many services being required and a plethora of tasks going on it is quite easy to forget about an update or on which platform it was. Timeline understands this and centralizes all the tasks on one platform. Ranging from requests, submittals, calendar, files, URL, images to feedbacks, completed, penalty etc. It is truly intuitive and helps the workflow by demarcating the inputs into the categories of name, link and formulas.

How is Timeline any better?

Timeline differentiates itself by being flexible and following real life situations where glitches occur almost every day. It provides you cushion if not met with exact dates as it is not always possible that your clients will provide you with all information on time. Clients are integrated as well so that they know they are being a part of the project and the project is shaping with their approval. It leaves a little space for dissatisfaction. Some other outstanding features makes it stand at par with it peers are: vertical UI, formulas, alerts, one page view, simple onboarding etc.

The Bottom Line

Timeline has taken great considerations while forming itself to be of supreme use to its users. It allows effective framework to build project that really suits the needs of clients leaving a little to doubt since the clients themselves are integrated while building the project. Its efficient workflows allow little room for error and missing the deadlines even when working independently.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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