Top 10 Data Analytics Tools to Unleash the Potential of Big Data - ToOLOwl
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Top 10 Data Analytics Tools to Unleash the Potential of Big Data

Top-10-Data-Analytics-Tools-to-Unleash-the-Potential-of-Big-DataData Analytics have become the most prominent part of the business processes these days. Data Analytics have grown to be the most lucrative path to ride the big data wave and thus lead to some data analytic tools in the market. Here we list ten most efficient data analytic tools on the way to unleash the enormous potential of data and drive business towards the more informed process.

Read Also: How to utilize Big Data for Human Resource

Product Details
 cloudera Cloudera is one of the best enterprise solutions to assist your business to manage the data ecosystem. Features such as the Service Monitor and Host Monitor keeps a perfect track on series data, health data as well as Impala query as well as YARN application metadata. Data security is also one of its primary features when you are dealing with critical or sensitive data.
 MongoDB MongoDB is an efficient data analytics tool for storing data for mobile apps, product catalogs, content management, real-time personalization, and for applications that provide a single view across multiple systems.
 vidyard Vidyard is an adept business video hosting and analytics provider. Many companies have been using this application as they video hosting partner. This application is loaded with a sophisticated and custom video player with real-time analytics capabilities.
 knowledgereader KnowledgeREADER is specialized in a visual representation; this application holds a portion of the large suite of analytic tools. This application explicitly addresses text analytics which is widely recognized for its potential.
 buzzlogix Buzzlogix is an application that offers cloud-based natural language processing and machine learning API’s to support sentiment analysis, content discovery, data mining, business intelligence or any other task where natural language processing is leveraged.
 openrefine OpenRefine is a data cleaning software to prepare the data for analysis. This application helps you cluster into cells the values that might be differentiated by either spelling or capitalization of letter holding the same meaning.
 qubole Qubole can help when your data is present in AWS, Google or Azure clouds. Qobole simplifies, speeds it up and scale big data analytic workloads against data stored across different clouds. With this fantastic application, any number of data analysts can collaborate with the power of Spark, Hive, Presto, etc.
Tabelau, with essential characteristics of high-level language and storage analytics database, can help you seamlessly translate data into meaningful business metrics. The application has both online as well as server versions to enable your entire team to work collectively. The Tableau engine can have access to the live data to offer up-to-date visualizations. Tableau Public’s million row limit provides a thriving platform for personal use. The free trial is also more than long enough to explore the tool.
chartio Chartio is an application that can chain data sources and execute data queries right inside your browser. The application lets you generate potent dashboards in just a few clicks. Its powerful visual query language allows you to collect data. You do not need even to use SQL queries or any other complicated model languages. You can also schedule and generate PDF reports to export and email. One of the most significant features this application holds is that it does not require a data warehouse.
Blockspring Blockspring is one of the unique tools to harness all the capabilities of services such as IFTTT (If This Then That).Also, the capacity of Zapier in traditional platforms such as Excel and Google Sheets. The application lets you connect to some third party programs merely by writing a Google Sheet formula. You can post Tweets from spreadsheets, track followers, and connect to AWS, Tableau, and much more. You can create and share private functions, implement custom tags or use the enhanced search and discovery. This application also lets you set an API token for your whole organization at once.


As Big data is expanding massively, hundreds of companies are expanding their reach to use big data technology. Big data has smoothened the work of the companies from the informal gathering to managing data. So try out these tools and let us know which tool worked excellent for you by commenting your views in the comment section.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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