Guide To Build A Start-up Team Which Will Support You To Scale - ToOLOwl
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Guide To Build A Start-up Team Which Will Support You To Scale

Start-up businesses that are well planned and executed certainly make it to the highest levels of success. However, successful small and medium-size businesses only become successful when it has a strong and competitive team of experts.

A team which is a variety of skill set and experiences is the most important asset for a company which is ambitious about growth or scale in the near future. It can be quite challenging for the entrepreneurs to know what all team members are needed and how many of them are needed in the team.

The answer to this question may be different to every business. Still, there are certain factors that can be used as guidelines when you are thinking to expand your team.

Why do you want to Scale

The answer to this question will help you to determine the primary aim of scaling the company. Without a clear aim of the company in the near future, the prospective team that you are going to hire can get carried away by the pay they are offered and the benefits that are offered to them. The team will also fail to commit to the milestones you have for the company.

Further, as the owner of the business, it is also important that you believe in your ideas. You need to explain the core motto of the business to the new as well as the old employees whenever needed. Thus, having a clear mindset about the next targets is important to share them with your team to meet the desired goals.

Hence, before writing down a job description or conducting an interview, it is very important that you have a clear mindset about your next steps. Absence of which may attract the wrong people in your team.

Applicant’s Long Term Goals Matter

Every applicant that is going to become a member of your team must have a goal that closely aligns to your company’s goals. It is an important factor, as losing a team member at the time when they are most needed sets the company back a step. This is one of the major setbacks that can be faced by a small company when it is on its way to scale in the market.

Having a team member who does not have their goals aligned with the goals of the company will not be able to help much towards the company growth. Also, they are not the kind of people that your company really needs.

There can also be exceptions where a member has a long term goal that is entirely different from your company’s goal. However, his present skills and talent are what your company really needs. In such cases, it is best to evaluate and examine the level of their commitment to their tasks and towards your company.

Some experts say in this context that employees who are dedicated and interested to do what you do will work all the time, even being told to take weekends off. Your company needs this type of commitment to scale. Therefore, it is important to ask the long term goals of the job applicants.

 Let the Team Members Control

Members of the team behave differently when they can clearly see how their work and efforts are impacting the company. Team members who are given a sense of control over their work will absolutely love the aim of your company and will be willing to work even in the extended hours. Employees who feel they are important to your team will eventually put in more efforts to help the company reach its milestones, small as well as the bigger ones.

The human resource experts thus suggest that being an entrepreneur, do not give people responsibilities and take away control. All the hard work without leadership will make them undervalued and frustrated.

It is also important to trust your team members and their hard work. Respect their capability and acknowledge who you are working with. It is only their capabilities and skillsets that have made them a part of your team.

Start-ups must always have clarity in hiring team members with strong commitments. Real leadership and control over to the most skilled employees will certainly help your scale your business. Skilled and talented team in your company is the real asset and will become the reason for your success.

Source – Forbes

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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