When the data is present at multiple locations, at multiple cloud platforms, or across the different geographies, it is said to be fragmented. Most of the enterprise technology today is fragmented. Most of us take this foundation as negative because of the fact that fragmentation makes the applications, data, and overall networks complicated to manage, especially by small businesses. Most people take this in the negative sense. But the technology can also be seen as fragmented in a positive sense.
It is said that when an established technology business specializes in a single group of IT services, then it will drive enough of its Intellectual Property and knowledge base to make sure that it can never be a jack of all Trades. The second foundation truth says that IT will always need to join hands with the specialists who offer complementary services that extend and enhance the core IT stack.
Salesforce Swing and Swagger
Salesforce is most popularly known as the cloud-first platform, which started its journey as a Customer Management System (CRM). The Salesforce swing and swagger now extends across a whole range of data-centric business functions. But with all this data centricity, Salesforce is firmly focused on customer delivery, service efficiency and product innovation that manifests itself in the customer use cases. Keeping all these broad activities in mind, Salesforce works with all the data privacy functions.
Rising Privacy Concerns
As technology is advancing and the world is going global, data and privacy regulations are increasing all around the world. This reality means that businesses that are using Salesforce must take action to make sure that their business complies with the data privacy regulations.
Businesses make use of the CRM SaaS platforms such as Salesforce as it holds a lot of benefits over non-cloud-based options. At the same time, the businesses that use Salesforce is responsible for making sure that the customer data complies with the regulations.
For instance, in the US, a lot of things are happening. This trend is aligned with the growing rise in the privacy obligation for the companies with the California Consumer Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) along with the other privacy laws in Virginia (VCDPA). All these are likely to come into effect by 2023. Similarly, other states are expected to pass new privacy regulations. Therefore, it is important for businesses to have an agile approach to compliance, so they are prepared for the future.
Thus, it can be said that data privacy has become an entity and an enterprise technology tool.
Source – Forbes