Marketing Tools Product Review- PostReach - ToOLOwl
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Marketing Tools Product Review- PostReach

marketing-tools-product-review-postreachTwitter is one of the most influencing platforms to promote website content. A good way of determining the performance of your blog post is by finding out how much it is popular on Twitter. It calls for the need for a solution that could easily tell us how far the content is being reached on Twitter and the people responsible for spreading it.

This is where PostReach can help. The tool monitors your blogs posts and tells you exactly how many times a content is being shared on twitter. Not just that, it also informs you about the people who are sharing that content so that you can discover the key influencers responsible for promoting your content.

Editions and Pricing

You can use this tool to generate up to 30 reports per month for free.  You can also upgrade to the blogger plan at $10 per month. In this scheme, you’ll be able to create 150 reports in a month and get up to 5 blogs monitored automatically.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

PostReach_ShareCountAnalyze Number of Shares
The tool monitors your blog posts so that you can easily analyze the number of shares you get on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Pinterest.



PostReach_InfluencersDiscover Influencers
You can look for the most influential people who have shared your post. You can find new influencers responsible for amplifying your content.


You can share the analytics with your stakeholders with beautifully created reports.



PostReach_AutomatedReportsAutomated Reports
Once you add a blog post to your account, its report will be updated. Every time the reports are updated for the blog that is shared on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Pinterest. You can also connect your blog to it so that you receive automated reports every time you post new content.


The data generated can be easily downloaded to a CSV file so that you can analyze it in detail.



Pros and Cons of Postreach


  • Simple and easy to use interface.
  • Displays not only the number of shares, but also a list of the most influential people who shared that content in the order of reach.
  • Ability to generate automated reports.


  • Only displays the numbers of shares and no other analytics like number of views or likes.


PostReach offers a simple interface to analyze how your blog content is doing. You just need to plug in the URL and it will display not only the number of shares, but also the most influential people who shared your content.  It is a powerful and actionable tool to analyze your own content marketing efforts as well as those of your competitor’s.

For more details, please visit PostReach website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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