Secrets To Your Client Retention - ToOLOwl
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Secrets To Your Client Retention

Every business acknowledges and understands the value of the older clients. It is also believed that it is cheaper for a business to retain clients that are associated with the company for a long time. On the other hand, acquiring new customers demands the company to spend more money. This is especially true in the case of service businesses.

The existing customers already know about your business and what it does. These are happy with your products and services and need your minimum efforts to stay connected. On the other hand, the new customers see you as an unknown and are not sure about your products and the services that you are ready to offer them when they purchase your product.

There are several benefits that are related to having long term clients. Susan Guillory shares some of the ways to keep your old clients intact for a longer duration.

Connect with the Customer

This sounds very simple, but it might be possible that your competitors might not be listening to what your customers have to say. This the place where you can make your position prominent. Just ask a lot of questions to the clients and listen carefully to what they have to say. It might be possible that a client comes to you for blog content, but after a small conversation, you discover that what they really want is a web copy. Sometimes, most of the clients really don’t know what they need. But this can be worked out simply by simple conversations and listening to them carefully.

Don’t Force your Services to the Customer

When a potential client approaches a business, most of them focuses on what they can offer to them and choose not to listen to what the client really wants. It can be the case that a customer approaches a business for a specific service. The business instead proposes the entire package to the customer because the package is generating more revenue for the business. This approach is not the best way to pitch the business to the customer. In fact, this can lose a long term customer for the business if it is continuously upselling more services to the customer with services they don’t really need.

Be Human

The year of the pandemic has been difficult for everyone. It is important to treat the clients as humans rather than as invoices. Clients are the life and blood of your business. This makes it important for us to add more human factor into our business interactions.

Simple gestures such as asking about how they and their families are and how they are doing just before conducting a Zoom meeting is one of the ways to develop a bond with them. These small gestures will bring us all closer and help to develop stronger bonds.

Constant Feedback

Sometimes businesses think that it is not wise to ask the customers all the time about how you are doing. Or whether the business is meeting all their needs. This can be a risk to disrupt things. Rather, it is best advised to check on the customers every quarter to see how the business is doing and how it is delivering products and services to the business. The conversation might convert into a frank talk about how the business might not be meeting all the needs of the customer and what can be done to add value to them.

Gifts is a Good Gesture

Sending gifts holiday gifts to the clients makes them feel valued in the business relationship. Some businesses keep a separate budget for the clients. Everyone likes to receive surprise gifts, especially on holiday. Businesses must send gifts to the clients depending on the duration of the relationship they have shared with the business. It makes the clients feel appreciated by sharing an appropriate token of gratitude for the business relationship you have been sharing.

Client Referrals

Connecting the dots is part of good business networking. If you have a contact that you believe will make a good business partner for your client, feel free to share their contacts. You can refer a business from one client to the other if all of you are working in one industry. Helping clients will create more positivity and help you grow your business.

Keep the Relationship Alive

Business service delivery might end after a project is completed. However, it is possible that the client will need you in the future. It is good to keep in touch with the client just to say hi. A simple act of reaching to them will remind them that you love working with them and your services are well available to them whenever they need.

It takes efforts to develop long term relationships with the clients. The more you nourish them, the more they will blossom. These simple gestures will help you achieve business success by holding hands with your clients.


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I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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