Online Email platform Product Review- TMail21 - ToOLOwl
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Online Email platform Product Review- TMail21

Email-Tools-Product-review-Tmail21Discussions, communication, information sharing, collaboration, etc. are some of the things that makes the everyday workflow easy and flawless in an organization. And what if everything related to project and task discussions appears to happen at one single place on your system.

Well, there is product now, which can resolve all such issues, the TMail21. TMail21 is an online email platform & efficient tool for all your project and task related communication process. The tool is as simple and familiar as email but more powerful.


Editions and Pricing

The tool is available in four editions:

Free Free 3 Free Users
Starter $7 /user/month 3 Free Users
Pro $12/user/month Max 200 Users
Enterprise Contact Vendors Unlimited Users

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

TMail21-commentSectionThe comment Section
One of the most powerful features of this tool is the comment section. The application lets you post comments right through the emails that have been shared with you.



TMail21-MessageClassificationThe message Classification
The tool neatly organizes all messages in the tool, classified into Inbox, Backlog, On Deck, Waiting, Archive, and Other messages. The arrangement lets you quickly and easily access all leads at a single place.



TMail21-MailboxManage emails via the easy Mailbox
TMail21 not only efficiently manages all messages and helps them organize better, but also it works as an excellent email service. The tool classifies emails using the TMail21 pins such as:Recent, Active, Drafts, Response Drafts, Starred, Unread, and Archived.


TMail21-TemplateStoreWork quickly with the Template Store
No need to generate templates for conversations right from the stretch. TMail21 offers a set of predesigned templates for common tasks such as Blog Posts, Invoices, Meetings, Pitch and Support Ticket. The tool allows you to make necessary changes as and when required with separate sections for different tasks.


TMail21-SearchboxEasy Search Option
TMail21 lets you quickly find out emails or content with an easy-to-use Searchbox. Type anything here and it quickly pops up the desired content from the application.



TMail21-Tracking numberQuickly Track Emails with friendly Tracking Numbers
Every mail generated through TMail21 is automatically assigned a tracking number. This tracking number lets you quickly keep a track about all the conversations that took place.


Mobile Accessibility

TMail21 is available for Android and iOS mobile devices.


The tool seamlessly integrates with a number of Chat application to enable its users to have a quick and real-time chat discussion. TMail21 integrates with chat servers such as Slack.


The tool is highly intuitive and user friendly. The user receives a welcome introduction and email from the Support team describing about the product. The mail also contains a 10 minute video tutorial describing about the product. The tool also offers support through FAQ, Videos, Knowledge Base and User Guides.

Pros and Cons of TMail21


  • Highly intuitive and easy to use tool.
  • Instant chat facility integrated with emails
  • Better management and organizations of emails.


  • Although the layout is highly intuitive, it is a bit overwhelming at the beginning.
  • Addition of more collaborative tools and application such as Google Drive or One Drive where important stuff could be added can add value to the product

Read Also: Email tools product review – Mailytics


  • The most differentiating and promising feature of this product is the comment section facility.
  • Along with communication, the tool is loaded with features such as Audit Trials and Multi-Section Update in a single Response.

For more details, please visit the TMail21 website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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