HR Tools Product Review- Moodwonder - ToOLOwl
Wednesday , February 19 2025

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HR Tools Product Review- Moodwonder

HR Tools Product Review- moodwonder

You can see Top 10 HRM Tools for Small and Medium Businesses and Top 3 HRM Tools for Small and Medium Businesses to look into details.

A business needs to measure all the associated resources to run smoothly and efficiently. Employee management is difficult however employee engagement management is harder. If you wish to improve your employee engagement, then move your way to Moodwonder. It will enhance the performance of the organization, employee productivity, and employee retention rate.

Moodwonder which is one one of the best hr tool for small business, as per the name indicates, tells you the mood of your team members. Businesses many times forget to focus on how do employees feel. Though, annual surveys identify issues regarding this, but late. However, Moodwonder provides many vital features that resolve all the challenges involved in employee engagement. Here, you can conduct or participate in regular surveys to determine the current scenario of the team. You can identify the best or the worst performing employees, collect feedback from the workplace, statistics of employee engagement, and other significant features.

Analyze, take actions, and improve how your employees engage in the organizational environment.

Editions and Pricing

Currently, the app is present in beta version.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

Product_review_Moodwonder_surveyMoodwonder Survey
A user can set the necessary inquiries associate to the company and oneself. The app provides interface where the user can create or participate in surveys giving the requirements like expectations from the company, strengths, influence, goals, teams, and others. There is mood scale in the app, where one can rate his/her mood based on the present scenario of the day.

Product_review_Moodwonder_engagementGraphEngagement Graph
The app allows you to track the engagement statistics of your company as well as your team. The real-time graph values precisely show how the workers are performing. These statistics are transparent for all the employees, where one can see the team productivity for every single day. This also shows employees at risk and the most engaging manager along with notifications and alert so you can have the updated workplace information.

Product_review_Moodwonder_moodratingMood Rating
A user or manager can find the outcomes based on the employee engagement. The survey entities or significant engagement areas are categorized in different zones. It specifies the top and worst three areas, most improved areas, and least enhanced areas, top 3 areas higher than company average and more. This is a precise indication of the employee performance and effects.

Product_review_Moodwonder_castvoteCast Vote
The app provides quick ways of employee management. As a result, it serves the option regarding ‘employee of the month.’ You can cast votes for the position announced or can view others votes. The final verdict will be from the manager, who will select the employee of the month by casted votes by the team members.

Mobile Accessibility

Presently, the app is not accessible via a dedicated mobile version.


Currently, the app does not provide combination with any other app.


You can contact the team by sending them the concerned query.

Pros and Cons of Moodwonder


  • Notifications and alert as per employee engagement.
  • Employee engagement history.
  • Location-based engagement ranking.


  • Strong support can be helpful for a user.


Along with understanding your customers, a business must know about the employee progress and engagement. Moodwonder can help you a lot with custom surveys and employee engagement tools.

For more details, please visit Moodwonder website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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