What could be much better than making money by doing something that you usually do in your free time? Nothing right. This is exactly what you could do if you convert you devoted following on Twitter into a source of income. In this article, we shall be discussing different ways to generate revenues through Twitter.
Twitter is a very powerful place to enhance your business. It is a very authoritative tool that can help in achieving all the business objectives, be it brand value or boosting the website traffic. Below mentioned are several ways to use Twitter to grow your Business:
Identify and Track your Prospective Market
Although it is a very overwhelming task to find your prospective customers, it can be achieved by either identifying the essential keywords related to your business and accordingly track them using the tracking tool to have access to all the keywords references directly emailed to you.
This will help you to find an opportunity to approach the prospective customers, thereby creating a conversation
Search, Monitor, and Share Influencers
If you are new to Twitter, the best strategy is to affiliate yourself with famous or well respected people in your industry. This will help in enhancing your credibility and following. Follow all those renowned people who retweet, respond, or comment on what they have shared. When they find you sharing or responding to their comments, they may also follow you, thereby returning your favor. Try to create a healthy relationship with them.
Share only Those Things that your Followers Want to Know
One of the most common mistakes that the twitter users do is that they keep sending promotional content or posts. But they must understand that social media is not for selling products. Of course, people want to know about great deals or offers but not all the time. Although social media is a great platform to build trust and confidence, it is possible only through a valuable conversation. You can share many things within 280 words, be it tips or insights, or even a quote related to your industry. You can also include a picture or videos.
Use of Hashtags (#)
Twitter is one of the broadest platforms in comparison to other social media channels, which makes it difficult to find out that particular piece of information you want to read. The best strategy here is to include hashtags. Hashtags are # sign followed by a keyword or tag that briefly describes the subject matter of your post. Hence in case if you are using twitter for business purposes, then it becomes mandatory to use hashtags with your tweets so that your prospective market can easily find you.
Do Occasional Promotions
Most of the online marketers follow the 75%: 25% product content and marketing strategy. But the fact is people are more likely to respond to entertaining content rather than the marketing and promotional posts. For instance, if you have achieved lots of trades, then you can utilize Twitter to advertise daily deals exclusively dedicated to your twitter followers by adding an offer.
Twitter can help you easily generate revenue through its broad reach through its unique and powerful marketing techniques.