Marketing and Sales Product Review- Groovejar - ToOLOwl
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Marketing and Sales Product Review- Groovejar

Marketing-And-Sales-Tools-Product-Review- GroovejarIncreasing the website conversions is one of the basic tasks in marketing and sales for a business. All businesses, whether big or small needs rich marketing and sales backup to keep its customers updated with the products or services it deals with for better ROI and to retain its customers.

Groovejar is one of such tools that can help a business flourish online. The tool was initially built to increase its own website conversions. It works using apps that collect emails, increase urgency and show happy customer reviews and sales right on their website using aesthetically pleasing applications. This makes the customers makes feel more comfortable and confidant with a sense of urgency to order from you.

Editions and Pricing

The pricing details for the app are as under:

Daily Visitors- 30 Monthly Visitors- 900 Price- $29
Daily Visitors- 100 Monthly Visitors- 3000 Price $49
Daily Visitors- 300 Monthly Visitors -9000 Price- $99
Daily Visitors- 500 Monthly Visitors- 15,000 Price- $139

As the number of visitors increases daily and monthly, the price range also increases. The number of visitors may go up to 150,000 daily visitors with a price of $3999.

Capabilities and Supporting Set Of Features

groovejar-dashboardThe GrooveJar Dashboard
Unlike most of the tools these days in market, this tool has an easy to use dashboard for its users. The users can easily navigate to sections such as,

  • Data
  • Apps, and
  • Subscribers

The app section lets you select the apps on the basis of the feature you wish to use with options to customize them. Users also have the capabilities to edit designs, set targets and get code for the app that they wish to use.


The tool works as a marketing and sales agent by using some of the applications with features such as: Survey, Timer, Pop, Exit, Choice, Urgent, Offer, Overlay, Thread, Hype, Social, etc.

Users have the capabilities to edit the app design, set targets and get code for the applications.


The data tab on the dashboard displays all information about total visitors, Total Impressions, Total Conversion Rates, Total Conversions and so on with both numeric data as well as charts and graphs to represent data visually to make quick and informed decisions.


You can easily connect to your subscribers with this tool. This section, which is directly accessible from the dashboard, gives users access to the email list.

Here users can also connect the apps to Mailchimp, Export Emails, get access to Users list, as well as connect the apps to Intercom.


groovejar-change statsChange Stats to view and generate reports
The tool not only captures statistical data, but also helps you generate reports by applying filters such as apps, start date and end date.


Mobile Accessibility

The tool also has mobile accessibility along with mobile web access. Mobile apps for Android and iOS are available which has almost all capabilities as in the web application.


The tool integrates with Shopify, WordPress, Magneto, Bigcommerce, Blogger, Joomla, Weebly, Squarespace, Tumblr, Wix, Prestashop, Volusion, Drupal and launch 27, so that that there remains nothing untouched for you and your website to deal with. The tool also seamlessly integrates with Mailchimp and Intercom for better email tracking and excellent lead generation.


The tool offers live chat support even without SignUp. FAQ, Help Page. The tool also offers email support for better connecting with the active users.

Pros and Cons of Groovejar


  • The tool integrates with Facebook and Twitter accounts to connect with the target customers, also the tool is capable to track down number of visitors pulled through these platforms.


  • The tool is not fully developed, there are some links that are broken and they lead to nowhere.


The most vibrant feature of this application is, that it uses a set of applications for collection and analysis of data and information. This makes all the information separated and avoids confusions.

For more details, please visit: Groovejar website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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