Collaboration Tools Product Review- Nuclino - ToOLOwl
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Collaboration Tools Product Review- Nuclino

Collaboration-Tools-Product-review-NuclinoA perfect team collaboration is something every organization looks forward to applying. Nuclino one of the top collaboration tool such a solution that offers fantastic team collaboration among the team members of an organization. Some powerful features such as multiple groups and multiple dashboards dedicated towards projects, the application makes team collaboration easy.




Editions and Pricing

Nuclino is currently available in free trial version. The team is working on the product and looks forward to making changes according to the feedbacks received from the active users.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

Nuclino-DashboardThe Dashboard
As soon as you create a team into Nuclino, you are directed to the dashboard area. The panel area displays all the pages associated with a group, such as- All pages and Active Pages. Additionally, the panel also shows Smart Tags and also the pages that are moved to the trash.


Nuclino-CreateTeamCreate Team
As soon as you log into the application, you can create your team. Once a team has been created, you can start working on it. You can start working with your team by creating pages.



Nuclino-CreatePagesCreate Page
Once a team has been created, you can start working with the team. Now you can create your page and add tasks and subtasks. One team can have some pages. The dashboard shows details about one page and also allows you to create more pages right inside the panel.


Nuclino-AddTeamMembersInvite People
As this application particularly deals in teamwork collaborating people on a single platform, you can add people by sending them invites through simple emails.



Nuclino-SearchPageSearch Page
You can search pages associated with a team. The dashboard provides a search area where you can directly type a name of the page that you wish to search.


Nuclino-EaseToManageToDoListEase To Manage a To Do List
Nuclino allows you to manage projects by creating a To Do List easily. The structured layout lets you quickly formulate ideas regarding a project with Goal, Agenda and Action Items.



Nuclino-SmartTagsSmart Tags
Smart Tags can be said as pointers that can be used to access some specific pages. The Smart Tags section from the dashboard contains a list of all the tags that can take you to important tasks created.


Charts lets you easily have a quick visual look at the statistics associated with a team or a project they collectively work with them The drag and visualize option lets you easily monitor the progress of a project in a team.

Mobile Accessibility

The application is currently unavailable across Android and iOS platforms.


The application integrates with channels such as:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Soundcloud, and
  • Spotify


The application offers all its users an introduction video to have a look at all the features that the app offers. Additionally, an editor’s help section is also provided to all the user accounts giving details about all the shortcuts and ways to work with the application.

Pros and Cons of Nuclino


  • Ease to collaborate using this tool.
  • One user can work with multiple dashboards making n number of teams.
  • Graphical representations can help to analyze the project status quickly.


An online chat option within projects can be helpful for team collaboration making team members communicate instantly.

Read Also: Online collaboration tools for product review – Lattice


  • Multiple dashboard facilities for various teams.
  • Graphs can give a quick overview of the project statistics.

For more details, please visit the Nuclino Website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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