Project Management is a task every organization has to deal in with. There are a number of product in the market that are into this domain. One amongst them is Neexpro which is one of the best project management software, this is an efficient project management tool that is extremely simple to use and do not overwhelm you with a lot of features or functionalities. Its smooth integrations with Gmail and Slack helps it easy to work with.
Editions and Pricing
The product is in the Beta version and yet to publish its pricing policies.
Capabilities and Supporting set of Features
Dashboard: As soon as you sign up and create an account with Neexpro, the application directs you to your own dashboard. This area displays all your active as well as completed projects. You can also create a complete new project here.
2. Creating a new Project: You can get started immediately creating a new project. For this, you can click on the “+New Project” button on the bottom of the dashboard for your first project. You can also create a new project by clicking on the “+New Project” button on the top right corner of the dashboard.
3. Working with the Team Members: Once you get started with the projects and add your team mates to them, the team section will display all the team members that have been working with you.
4. Working through the Projects: When a project is created, it is provided with a complete new dashboard. This dashboard consists of an inbox from where you create a ticket and choose to manage it, starting from the board process to negotiation.
5. The Ticket Process: A ticket created for a project starts working from the inbox. The ticket then reaches to the board. Tickets on the board are ready to be processed. The tickets on the board can be dragged as they process. The Negotiation phase is the place where a ticket is discussed if it creates troubles. On the other hand, the completed section displays all the completed tickets. The track I an area that holds all the deleted tickets.
Mobile Accessibility
The application is present on mobile devices and across iOS and Android platforms.
External Integrations
The application integrates with a number of external platforms such as:
- Gmail
- Slack
The application provides a complete support to all its users with a FAQ section and a Tour to make you familiar with the product and resolve any queries that may exist.
Pros and Cons
- Simple interface to work with.
- Notifications keeps you updated with the latest updates.
- User interface needs to become more engaging.
- A knowledge base and an online chat system can make things easier for new users.
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Key Differentiators
- Project creation and execution made simple through this application.
- Cloud platform makes it easy to access data and insights wherever you are.
For more details, please visit the Neexpro website.