Marketing Tools Product Review- Boost the News - ToOLOwl
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Marketing Tools Product Review- Boost the News

marketing-tools-product-review-boost-the-newsAlmost every business today has an online presence and wishes to engage with its customers strongly engaging with them. Boost The News, is one such platform which lays emphasis on how a brand engages with people, how their approach is raising their brand awareness and the main emphasis was, how many people are reading content about their brand online.

Boost the News considers a lot of factors such as a brand monitors all the media content about their business. Actions such as people talking about the brand, their engagement, targeting a large audience and traffic analysis are some of the aspects the products puts lights on.


Editions and Pricing

Boost The News is currently in Free Beta Version and the team is open to discussions for any additional changes or modification users’ needs.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

BoostTheNews-DashboardThe Dashboard
Every user of the product is landed into their own dashboards that give a user-friendly and quick access to all its features and capabilities.


BoostTheNews-NeverMissNewsNever Miss News about your Chosen Topics
The tool keeps you updated and pulls in news and events. It is an efficient media monitoring tool- and to use this, all you need to do is just type in the brands and keywords that you wish to monitor and get notifications for every time they appear on the online news, articles and blogs.



BoostTheNews-EstimateReadersEstimate Readers
This is one of the power points of the tool that you not only get to know that the keyword you choose appears in a certain article. Boost The News lets you know that how many people are actually reading it. This feature helps you analyze the true impact of the content.



BoostTheNews-ReachALArgerAudienceReach a larger Audience
The tool gets you notified about the news or updates that matter to you and your business. The tool helps you reach a larger audience.




BoostTheNews-CreateAlertsCreate Alerts
You can create your own customized alerts at Boost The News. For this, select the option on the top panel saying “Monitoring”. The monitoring section lets you enter a keyword or a brand which you wish to monitor.



Mobile Accessibility

The tool is not available on mobile and Tablet devices and across the Android and iOS platforms as it is in Beta Version. The team may soon launch mobile and Tables applications for its users.


The tool integrates to share news and updates on social channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Email.


The users of Boost the News can contact the team via emails. The Contact page also allows users and visitors to send messages for any queries they have. Along with email support, the tool also has an FAQ section for its users for common queries and doubts.

Users and visitors can also stay in touch with this product across social channels such as- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

Pros and Cons of Boost the News


  • The users get additional alerts if they invite friends across social channels even in the Beta version.
  • The tool can be an excellent platform to stay updated about the brands and products that affect one’s business.


  • The website is too slow to load.
  • It would be an added feature if the users already have updates about the alerts they created every time they log in to their account.


  • Keeps track of the content people engages with online every day.
  • The search facility can help you reach any topic or brand online

For more details, please visit Boost The News website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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