Every household spends a lot of money and efforts to maintain bills every month. Household bills such as electricity, water, internet and telephone bills are some of the basic spending a home deals with. But some of the homes, sometimes overpay for some services they do not utilize the fullest.
And it takes a lot of efforts to maintain and keep a track of all the payments a home has to do. When the founder of Onedox, David Sheridan realized that his mother was overpaying hundreds of pounds every year for household services, he came up with a solution for this problem.
Purpose Behind Onedox
The project Onedox was designed to reduce the amount of money and time people spend on household bills. For this, they designed a free web-based service that offered a centralized and clear view about their household accounts such as gas, electricity, telephone, mobile and internet.
The tool is intelligent enough to determine savings specific to each customer and offers better options and deals according to requirements and needs.
Idea Behind the Project
Keeping a track of multiple household accounts is a time consuming process, time becomes a concern when the household consists of a big small family with many responsibilities. The idea about Onedox emerged after concerning family and friends about the matter. The founders realized that this was a similar issue other people are also dealing with.
According to a survey, taking things on a large scale and taking the energy sector as an example, the UK competitions and Markets Authority report recently identified that UK consumers were collectively overpaying by £1.2bn per year just because they were not on the right gas or electricity tariff.
Despite of all the price comparison websites and plans, many of the consumers were not getting the right value for their money for their household supplies. This turned out to be an inspiration for the team to develop a web based service that offered the best solution for household bills and their management.
The Bottom Line
The project model is to provide free service to our customers and to facilitate this, we send recommendations to our customers about the best offers they can get for their service, in return to them, the team receives an introductory fees from the suppliers.
Although the motive of the project was very wise, then too it faced a lot of challenges. The biggest among them was to keep a leap of faith committing to the business completely. But luckily, having business partners with the same level of commitment, the journey became easier.
The Onedox team aims to work dedicatedly making it the de facto method to manage all types of domestic bills helping people save a lot of money.