The success of a website can be directly measured by the number of users it holds. People approach the website, stay there and do stuff, this contributes in traffic of the website. The transformation of this traffic into real consumers is the most valuable concept for the growth of the company and is known as Conversion. Every company gets affected with its conversion rate.
The one of its kind, Zarget is composed of features those are helpful in raising the conversion rate of a website. It is the first product which ensures the conversion ratio strength by including 3 major techniques- A/B Testing, Heatmap and Funnel Analysis along with essential features like split URL, targeting and Zarget reports on a single platform..
Purpose of Commencement
This Chennai based 3 in one product company has started by 3 ex- Zoho employees- Arvind Parthiban, Naveen Venkat and Santosh Kumar. It was during ‘Rise of the Free’ campaign for Zoho when Arvind got frustrated as he had to run to the project Managers from optimizing the text to inserting the required content for the product. Leading to the solution, on 18 February, 2015 they launched this product Zarget.
Zarget provides insight and precise analytics about each and every click on the website. Where the user clicked most and where least, the most accessed pages and targeted options. Basically, it’s a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) tool comes with a Google Chrome plugin which on the user’s browser provides real time information. Also, for the business it enhances customer experience online attracting more customers.The usage of business must be high through the website, enhancing conversions and transactions. The most brilliant and popular services Zarget includes, are:
A/B Testing
This testing shows results by proper analytics over clicks and their usage patterns to identify the most accurate area of scope of the website.
It includes the interactive design elements from sliding banners to drop-down, which are mapped and assessed. This feature allows the user to identify newer ways to map the engagement.
Funnel Analysis
Every website contains navigation to multiple pages that is why due to the presence of more than one page over a single site, it helps in tracking the exact reason of users’ dropouts from the website. It gives better, wide vision to understand users’ needs and dislikes.
Zarget charges their customer in accordance with the number of visitors arrive at the site. The unique 3 features are free for first unique visitors. Then standard and professional charges apply for the next customers in the cue. Zarget with Matrix Partners India and Accel Partners raised $1.5 million funding along with angel investors such as Girish Mathrubootham, CEO of Freshdesk.
Futuristic Goals
At the very initial stage, they received 1500 signups with 400 companies as active users instantly. For the future, they are planning to expand their team of 24 members. The raised funds will be employed to conduct more research and development in making Zarget a good and valuable platform for marketing professionals.
Incredible Zarget
According to Bryan Eisenberg, an Online Marketing Pioneer, most websites do not have a traffic problem, what they have is a conversion problem. And that is the primary objective of any website in the world. Conversion rate increase when your goal and your user’s goal meet. The iSPIx report says that top 30 software product companies in India targeting more than $10 million valuation using SaaS platform. For Zarget it is the perfect time to nail it in the market which is almost done.
The Bottom Line,
Zarget, hence, is a tool which keeps a close eye to analytics, testing and optimization. The product is extremely useful and is especially used by marketers, product managers and web designers to monitor every region of the website and add value to it for smooth functionality, giving more traffic that improves conversion rate.