Top Collaboration Tools Product Review - Saydoc - ToOLOwl
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Top Collaboration Tools Product Review – Saydoc

Collaboration-tool-Product-Review-SaydocManagement of documents is one of the important part of any organization, big or small. And when this process is manual, it becomes a lot challenging to cope up with. To resolve all such issues, one of the products that grabbed attention was- Saydoc a top collaboration tool.

This product can perform all your document management and collaboration activities. This tool has capabilities for document control where you can keep a control on your documents even after you have sent it. The tool helps you grant and revoke access rights from users.


Editions and Pricing

The tool is available in three editions:

Free $0 Up to 10 documents
Standard $10 Up to 100 documents
Unlimited $50 Unlimited Documents

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

Saydoc-dashboardThe Saydoc Dashboard
Unlike all the other dashboards, the Saydoc dashboard is one of the top and vibrant features of this application. It clearly displays a graph about the number and duration of the document views during the past 30 days. The dashboard also gives a view about how many times a page has been visited by the user and even how much the document is being read.


Saydoc-timeline optionsTimeline
The timeline option from the dashboard is a place where the users can access information about all the documents that are being shared, with details such as a person’s name, document name, Company, email, last seen, signatures, reading time spent and amount of page viewed.



Saydoc-detail summaryDetailed Summary about the Documents
Users can also get a detailed summary about any and every document that is shared across the application. The tool shows you details about the document such as- Date and time the document was read, Browser fingerprints, IP Address Nickname, Operating System, Region, Country, etc.


Saydoc-deail summary2Also, the panel displays a bar graph about the average reading time of the document.




Saydoc-timeline optionsThe Timeline Options
Along with displaying the data and information about the documents, the timeline also allows you to export data, or all the data as a CSV file. You can also add or remove details about the documents as needed. This option is available on button which is present on the right most corner of the list displaying elements.


Saydoc-documents panelThe Documents Panel
The documents panel shows a list of the documents with details such as Document title, Creator, Uploaded date and if the user wants any action to be performed. Here you can edit the document, i.e. its Title can be changed as well as the document can be replaced by a new version.

Other supporting features with this feature is, you can view the document analytics through a bar graph. All that is needed to be done, click on the graph icon to view the analytics.


Saydoc- accesslinksDirectlyAccess links directly 
The panel seems similar to the timeline panel. This feature gives users an option to access documents through direct links. That means, you don’t have to download the documents to view or edit them, the tool helps its users to manage, share and edit documents online. The admins can also monitor access rights for other team members.

Mobile Accessibility

The app is accessible through mobile web and the company is working on Android and iOS versions of the app as well.


Currently, the tool does not integrate with other tools.


The tool supports its users through a “Contact Us” form. The tool also have phone support and email support as well.

Pros and Cons of Saydoc


  • The app is easy to use and gives access to every document at a single place.
  • Beautiful e-signatures helps you close deals faster with unlimited legally binding electronic signatures.
  • All data transfer through Saydoc is encrypted (256 bit AES and TLS 1.2) on the desktop.


  • The tool does not support platforms such as Mac and even lacks Android and iOS mobile apps. Hence, users look forward to use this excellent tool on other platforms and mobile devices as well.

Read Also: Collaboration tools product review – Qlutter


The tool is not just document storage and security, but it is also exceptional at notifying and showing you, your most interested prospects with robust analytics.

For more details, please visit: Saydoc website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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