Online HR Tools Product Review- actiTime - ToOLOwl
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Online HR Tools Product Review- actiTime

BI Tools Product review- actiTimeTracking time, managing deadlines, setting the email reminders, better and simple user management, these are some of the challenges every business faces regularly. Therefore, many firms have now started adopting time management tools to simplify these processes. actiTime is one such online HR tool which efficiently manages almost all time tracking activities for an organization.

With this tool, you can manage all activities such as:

  • Easy time Tracking
  • Powerful reporting
  • Project Task Management
  • Paid Time off Balances
  • Email Reminders
  • Simple user Management, and so on.

Editions and Pricing

The free version of the product contains basic functionalities for a small team of 5 members.

The pricing starts with $1.99 per month, with pricing models of Freemium, One-Time License as well as Subscriptions.

The tool can be used as Software As a Service (Saas) – hosted on the website’s servers or it can be downloaded to the users’ own machine.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

actiTime_enterTimeWidCommentsEnter Time with Comments
The tool helps you track time with pleasure. The features have a nice template and user-friendly interface with a weekly time sheet that lets you enter data clearly and quickly. The tool also lets you track time for future plans. You can also add comments for a particular task to share it with co-workers and managers.


actiTime_powerfulReportingPowerful Reporting
The tool lets you keep yourself up-to-date on your overall business progress with powerful actiTime reports. The reports lets you generate reports on Staff Performance, Overtime, Leave time and Balance , Time Track in details, Personal Time Track Report, Estimated vs. Actual Time Reports, Billing Summary reports, Cost of Work Reports, and so on. All these are reporting functions can be performed and accessed through an easy to use and intuitive dashboard.


actiTime_powerfulReporting2The “Create Chart” option allows you to generate charts and graphs for the data intended to give a quick view of the statistics.




actiTime_TimetrackDashboardTime Track Dashboard
The time track dashboard is the first option you get to see on the main dashboard of the tool. With options such as View Time Track, Lock Time-track and Approve time track, you can easily manage your time dependent activities and tasks in a hassle free manner.


actiTime_theTaskDashboardThe Tasks Dashboard
The tasks dashboard lets you browse through all your tasks on filters such as: Open Tasks, Completed Tasks, Projects and Customers, and Archives.



actiTime_projectAndTaskCreationProject and Task creation
Project and Task management in the tool is highly intuitive and quick in this tool. It will take less than a minute to:

  • Create a list of tasks for a new project
  • Add new tasks to some or all projects or customers at once.
  • Copy projects and tasks from an existing customer to a new one.
  • Move tasks with tracked time from one project to another.




actiTime_theUsersDashboardThe Users Dashboard
You can easily manage your users through the User Dashboard from the top panel. The section gives you a list of all the users associated with the business filtering them on the basis of geographical locations or departments with options to manage them on various platforms, grant access and also keeping a track of PTO and Sick Days.


actiTime_paidTimeoffBalancePaid Time-Off Balance
The tool lets you keep a track for paid time off and sick days balances updated. The application provides a number of automatic and manual rules, making this whole process of occurring and spending PTO days clear and simple.


Mobile Accessibility

The tool is mobile supported with platforms such as Android, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Mac, Windows, Web Based and even Mobile Web App.


It integrates with external apps such as Qbooks and actiPLANS.


The tool is highly supported by a strong knowledge base, Online Support, FAQ’s, as well as Phone Support.

Pros and Cons of actiTime


  • There is a 100 % free version available for small teams up to 5 users as well as a 30-day free trial for every other price plan.
  • The tool is highly mobile device supportive and can be used across a number of platforms making it convenient to use.
  • The tool is customizable- you can turn off features that you don’t need


  • Only supports English

Read Also: Best online HR tool product review – Team mood


  • The tool is able to generate dozens of customizable reports and charts
  • The tool lets you group people in to teams and departments.

For more details, please visit: actiTIME website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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