Project Management Tools Product Review- Corro - ToOLOwl
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Project Management Tools Product Review- Corro


You can see Top 10 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses and Top 3 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses to look into details

Collaboration is very important in marketing teams to improve their performance. Corro is one such tool that eases the project management task for the marketing teams by creating simple and visual content. The tool eases the task to create, talk and collaborate with the team members in a smarter way. The marketing teams can easily filter out noisy content to focus on the important content. The tools is a great way to schedule and post fresh content on social sites like facebook, twitter, and linkedIn in seconds. Managing task and content is made much simpler with Corro.

Editions and Pricing

Corro is free small teams with size up to three members. Once the team exceeds more than three members, the tool charges €25 per month per member.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

product_review_corro_create_contentCreate Content
The users can create contents and social posts. The tool allows to create and store document and store images. The users can also create Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn posts.



product_review_corro_content_settingsContent Settings
The users can set colours for each content to differentiate it from the other contents. The tool also provides a way to identify the purpose of the content by selecting the icon. The tool has icons of sites to let the user know in the list of content Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, YouTube, Instagram, WordPress or Dropbox. There also icons to indicate the type of content like video, image, text and much more.


The users can view the task assigned on the calendar to avoid missing any task. The task details like content name, task name and task time are displayed.



Mobile Accessibility

The users cannot access the tool through mobiles, as the tool does not have any mobile application.


The tool allows integration with facebook, twitter and linkedIn accounts.


The users can get support by submitting their issues through the tool. The tool also provides the feature to chat live with the support representative.

Pros and Cons of Corro


  • Easy and simple to use.
  • Content can be created and differentiated.
  • Easy to search the content.


  • There are errors in while viewing the uploaded files.


Smart, simple and visual content collaboration makes the tool different from the other tools. The tool provides an easy overview of all the tasks and posts to be completed.

For more details, please visit Corro website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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