YouTube is one of the most popular video hosting and sharing platform. Every day millions of users use it to view hours of videos. People between ages 14 to 24 are the regular visitors.
Millennials have attracted a lot of business over the internet. The online business is focussing on attracting more millennial consumers because of their willingness to embrace information. Here are few marketing tips to reach the most millennial consumer.
Identify Your Target Audience
Identifying the target audience might not look a big deal, but you need to have a deep knowledge of your target audience. It is noticed that millennials are more entrepreneurial in nature. Statistics say that 72% percent of the students in high-school would like to be entrepreneurs, and 76% would like to pursue their hobbies.
Relatable Ads and Video Contents
Creating relatable ads and videos is a good way to reach the millennial consumers. Research has found that digital content is a relaxation way for 66% of the millennials. Thus entertaining, soothing and relaxing content attracts the millennials. It is also noted that transitory messaging is also a popular act amongst the millennials.
Call-To-Action (CTA)
The market content should be prominent call-to-action to attract the audience to perform some tasks. Technology now a day’s has made it easier to include a call-to-action in a video content. The goals to achieve CTA include directing viewers to official site of the company, perform A/B testing, conduct a survey and much more
The Power of how-to
Marketing campaigns can be influential with instructional videos. Reports show that how-to-videos influenced 62% of millennial smartphone buyers. Adding further, 9% of millennials share or comment on YouTube video that they like, which is beneficial for the marketers.
Title and Description
YouTube content must have a title and a description. The title and description should be SEO friendly as it surfaces on Google’s search results. The titles should be less than 70 characters, clear and concise.
Data Analysis
Use data-driven strategies so that ads and video content reach the right audience. Investing in the data analytics tool will help to monitor competitors, identify emerging trends, launch marketing campaigns and much more.
Partner With YouTube Celebrities
Identify and connect with the YouTube celebrities, whose audience are interested in your product or services. Talk with the celebrities in your video to help in your promotion.
Leverage Facebook ad Data
The fourth quarter figures of Facebook in 2015 says that it attracts one billion users, 2.5 million advertisers. 500 million Events users, 100 million daily video views, and 50 million small business. Facebook ad data can be used to reach millennials as it is a very popular marketing platform, has a wide reach, and most of the teenagers are connected to Facebook.
Research say that 43% Millennials prefer authenticity to content. The millennials believe user generated content to be more authentic. Thus it becomes important to post YouTube videos that are authentic in content and style.
Personal Connection
Connect personally to the millennials. The more the videos give a personal touch, the more the brand will succeed.
The Bottom Line
Millennials are the frequent users of YouTube and it needs an in-depth knowledge about their behavior, likes and dislikes to reach them.