Project Management Tools Product Review- PlanHammer - ToOLOwl
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Project Management Tools Product Review- PlanHammer

project-management-tools-product-review-plan-hammerPlanHammer can be a fantastic Project Management solution for any business. The highly efficient tool lets you create and track tasks as they progress through their various stages. The number of views allows you create, track, set deadlines, assign people, collaborate with them, add files and share project and task details with them. The application seamlessly integrates with platforms such as OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, etc. so that you can keep your project files safe working with PlanHammer.



Editions and Pricing

The pricing plans for the application are as follows:

Small $20 per month 1 to 10 users
Medium $50 per month 10 to 20 users
Large $100 per month Unlimited users

The application also offers a 30- day free trial.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

PlanHammer- TaskDetailsTask details
This section allows you to manage and create new tasks. The section consists of 4 phases. This classification helps project managers and team leader to track their projects better. As soon as work is created, the dashboard shows details across three tabs- Info, Time&Cost, and RACI. You can also add a short description about the job. Other features consists of following:


  • Lists
  • Boards
  • Files
  • Checklists
  • Dependencies
  • Risks, and
  • Comments


PlanHammer- WBSmakingItSimpleWBS Making it Simple
The WBS is a simple method used in PlanHammer. You can easily see your tasks and subtasks in a project. The visual display allows you to shrink and expand the subtasks related to special projects. This section also allows you to add further tasks and subtasks. You can also assign the projects and tasks to team members right inside this view.



PlanHammer- TheGANTTareaThe Gantt Area
This is a section in the PlanHammer that helps you to make changes in the starting and ending dates for a particular project. This section shows all the phases of the application. All you need to do is to drag and drop items across the time line. The tasks can also be expanded as per the required time just by dragging the edges of the tasks.



PlanHammer- TheAgileViewThe Agile View
It is the section where you can add tasks and lists. A simple method of click and drag helps you to add or remove items. You can also add or delete items inside the list. The info button gives you the complete information about the tasks and subtasks related to a project. You can also drag to change priorities of tasks and subtasks from a list of tasks and can also create multiple boards for a project. One thing in such case must be kept in mind that one task can only belong to one Agile board at a time.



PlanHammer- RACISectionHelpsToManageTAsksThe RACI section helps to inform team members
This section of the application can save project details as CSV files to your local computer system. You can also add people or resources for particular tasks. People can be tagged as- responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. The tasks status is automatically updated when a member makes changes in that particular task if he or she is also using PlanHammer.



PlanHammer- TheRISKView The RISK view
This simple displays all the possible risks associated with your project as well as tasks. You can also create a new customized risk clicking on the ‘+’ sign with all the required details. The new risk register contains all the new added risks. A user can also export the risk details to the local computer.

Mobile Accessibility

The highly efficient tool can be used across some platforms right from desktop browsers to tablets and mobile phones. The application is present across iOS and Android platforms.


The application integrates with many applications such as

  • Microsoft (One Drive)
  • Dropbox
  • Google


The team behind the product provides an excellent support facility. As soon as you create an account here, the application takes you to a short tour to make you familiar with the use. Additionally, the app offers an informative video for every section of the application describing its functionality. The team also provides email support to solve user queries.

Pros and Cons of PlanHammer


  • Easy to use and manage.
  • Drag and Drop options make it easy to work with.


  • Managing the project through the Agile View can be confusing.
  • Multiple ways to do similar tasks can create confusions.


  • WBS view makes it easy to manage tasks.
  • The tutorial videos right inside ever section are the more useful way to make people familiar than FAQs or any other Knowledge bases.

For more details, please visit  PlanHammer website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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