Project Management Tools Product Review- TaskMail - ToOLOwl
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Project Management Tools Product Review- TaskMail

Project-Management-tools-Product Review-TaskmailManaging projects of a company is a crucial task to handle for business owners. The tasks must be taken care of, to ensure successful completion of the project. Such a tool is TaskMail is a project management software for teams to manage and track issues. It is developed by Produlo. Team members of a project can collaborate easily with each other using TaskMail tool. Projects can be managed efficiently with a few clicks and communication provided by it.

TaskMail’s entire UI is designed like email, making it easy to use. Like email, it comes with the inbox, filters, labels, folders. This helps in managing and sharing of the projects. This is also a smart tracker containing time duration for each task, categorized tasks according to issues to priority.

Editions and Pricing

Core (all required features) Plus  (advance features) Coming Soon
$0 always free $5 /user/month
Unlimited projects, labels, filters, tasks… All core features +
Unlimited team members Stats and graphs
Project members roles 3rd party integration
256- bit enterprise – grade SSL security Calendar view
Auto data backup Board views
20 GB storage per team No storage restriction
Project data export Priority support
Free updates

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

All messages are accumulated, known as notification center where we can see tasks from any other member of the team. It automatically groups the messages on the same topic.




Taskmail_Global_viewGlobal view
User can have universal as well as individual view of all projects.




Smart tracking of issues with advance filters is available. One can prioritize the tasks by applying appropriate filters. There are quite many variables to filter accordingly.



Profile Management
Taskmail_profile_managementUsers can manage his/her tasks, members in the team, company details, authorization in your profile. All the personal choices are given here to the user for managing the profile.




taskmail_compose_taskCompose Tasks
Composing tasks are as easy as composing an email with basic and advanced features where users can mention the type of task, the time duration to complete it, attachments and labels as well.



Mobile Accessibility

Web based apps can have accessibility over TaskMail. Mobile web apps are also supported.


Cannot be integrated with any other app.


It has online support, FAQs, knowledge base for listening to the customers’ voice.

Pros and Cons of TaskMail


  • Easy to use, everything in a single user interface.
  • Basic as well as advanced tasks can be accomplished by better communication.
  • Manages work and time as well.
  • Availability of smart filters makes the tasks to be handled with priority.


  • Kanban view is missing.


It has a beautiful user interface like an email, making it easy to understand. Fast features enriched like smart filters, track time, task types to ensure criticality of the task. Automatic backup of data ensures safety of data. Sharing is one of the very finest things in this tool secured with roles and permissions.

For more details, please visit: TaskMail website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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