Project Management Tools Product Review- Tokk - ToOLOwl
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Project Management Tools Product Review- Tokk

Project-Management-Tools-Product-Review-tokkYou can see Top 10 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses and Top 3 Project Management Tools for Small and Medium Businesses to look into details.

Tokk is an efficient Project Management tool for your workplace. The application does not create cluttered work folders. Instead, it works on lists. You only need to create task lists for your projects. This way, the plans, and tasks stays organized and tracked. The powerful filters and reporting capabilities help you keep a close track of your project(s) performance.

Editions and Pricing

Tokk offers a free 30 day trial for all its users. The Business Plan fir Tokk then charges minimal fees of $5 per user per month.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

The Dashboard
The dashboard is probably the first place the application takes you when you create an account with Tokk. This area displays a To-Do List, Pinned Tasks, and options to create a To-Do List. The dashboard also gives direct access to reports and settings option.


Working With Lists
The best way to keep things organized across your projects is dividing them into task lists with small and achievable goals. Tokk allows you to create and manage files for your projects. Moreover, for specific critical tasks, even you can pin them to keep them on the top.

Get the Project Overview
Keeping a track on the performance and progress of your projects is essential. Therefore, Tokk offers robust reporting capabilities to keep you informed about your project activities. The reporting feature covers Days, Lists, and Tasks. This feature also displays the time duration for which you have already started the timer. The reporting section also has filters to sort and pull out all the information you need.

Working with Team
Invite people to your team and collaborate with them on Tokk. For this, you only need to send an email invitation to make them join you. The invitation will help to manage projects better as your team members will stay on the track as the projects or the tasks advances.

Mobile Accessibility

The application is currently unavailable on mobile devices and platforms such as Android and iOS.


Tokk currently does not integrates with any other platform.


The website itself is quite informative. For additional assistance, the company offers a Contact Us page providing email address, Twitter, and Facebook profile links.

Pros and Cons of Tokk


  • Simple to get started- learn, understand and work.
  • Pinned tasks keep you aware of the priorities.
  • No additional plugins or downloads needed.
  • You can add tags to the certain task and then later use them as a filter.
  • You can easily export your reports to PDF, JSON, or as CSV files.


  • The attachment feature to attach critical files is missing.
  • Comments area to share details critical to a project is missing.

Read Also: Best project management tools product review – Junto


  • Timers to keep you on the track with deadlines.
  • Powerful filters help you dig out the details you need.

For more details, please visit Tokk Website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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