3 Awesome Tools to Find Long Tail Keywords In Any Niche - ToOLOwl
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3 Awesome Tools to Find Long Tail Keywords In Any Niche

3-Awesome-Tools-to-Find-Long-Tail-Keywords-In-Any-NicheLong tail keywords term refers to the phrases searched by the users regarding a topic. From the business point of view, they are highly relevant to the content and ultimately SEO. They build the channel to drive users to a quality content page.

These keywords fetch a fewer traffic. However, the higher conversion factor is what they develop. They tend to drive more audience than the short-tail keywords for your content.

Therefore, it is vital that you prepare material synthesized with essential long-term keywords. It requires the relevant knowledge of long keywords along with strong suggestions. Although composing useful keywords for content or idea is challenging and complex, some digital platforms are serving this core set of work for a hit content. Following are three important tools regarding long-tail keywords:

Google Auto-suggest

It is the advanced level of what you see in the Google auto-suggestion tool where you input a word in the Google, and it shows you up related phrases to feed your curiosity. Google Auto-suggest tool is a part of Keyword Tool Dominator platform. After targeting the basic featuring requirements of searches, you can receive other complementary details related to the search from your convenient research tool. Moreover, it allows a user to download resultant keywords in .csv format for the lack of usage in a better and engaging way. The first free widget for the keyword you can leverage for long tail keywords regarding the last search. Make sure you do not provide long phrase research, keep it succinct and clear.


HitTail tool is a paid service for finding the relevant and beneficial long tail keywords. It presents a notable list of long-tail keywords regarding the better results of your content. The ROI is high, which makes it worth the money. It helps you by serving two purposes, increases in the ranking your old piece of writing and garner more targeted traffic to your site. Moreover, it tracks the keywords, which are creating traffic to your site and on that basis suggests additional long –tail keywords. The tool is recommendable for an e-commerce website, business blog, or professional blog stuff.

Read Also: 3 Best Keyword Research Tools

WordTracker keyword tool

WordTracker tool is a free tool for generating profitable long-tail keywords. This very useful platform contains keywords along with other informative data such as searches, competition, keyword in anchor and text, and keyword effectiveness index. It’s useful results of long-tail keywords are vital to indulge in a pool of ideas. Moreover, with advanced features, you can get much more benefits including 2000 search results, search engine access using SEMRUSH, save your list option, and complementary details about a keyword.

The Bottom Line

The understanding of niche possesses by any business shapes its target audience. It is necessary that your product specify your niche in the form of data or content, making high and connective user base. Long tail keywords’ product specific theory is their focus, which can help your business content and quality. Start using these excellent tools for high conversion by delivering your niche’s content to the targeted audience.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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