3 ways Entrepreneurship has Changed Communication - ToOLOwl
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3 ways Entrepreneurship has Changed Communication

3-ways-Entrepreneurship-has-Changed-CommunicationBusiness now a days is not the same that used to be 20 years ago. Thanks to the emerging enthusiastic entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship has made a huge impact on all aspects of business right from managing the employees to communicating with the customers. The way of communicating has changed ever since the count of entrepreneurs has been increased.

Why use only the phone?

The times have gone when phone or email was the only means to reach out to the customers to discuss the work items. It’s the era of technology and the entrepreneurs have taught the world how to use technology in business.

The entrepreneurs use skype communication, post feeds on facebook, tweet on twitter, use linkedIn, Bebo, MySpace, Flickr and many other social networking sites to communicate, to reach out to the world and to attract new customers. This has changed the way traditional communication (phone and email) was done.

Being Direct and Personal is the new trend

The entrepreneurs never hesitate to tell the truth to the customers in a framed way. The entrepreneurs are frank and direct about the possibilities, time required and other factors regarding a particular work. Transparency is the key motto of budding entrepreneurs to gain trust of the clients. The days have gone when only the work to be done was discussed. The time has come where the pros and cons, the implementation, the technology used and literally everything the client can understand is discussed so that the client will have a clear idea of what and how the work is being done.

The entrepreneurs also do not fall back when it comes to personal touch. Entrepreneurship has brought a trend of maintaining a personal touch with the clients. Wishing on a birthday, sending gifts on a festive eve, inviting on a function and many other things which help in establishing a personal connectivity. This shows the concern towards the clients.

Communication is not restricted to time or people

There was once a time when the entrepreneurs had to think before contacting someone. To approach a client was a nightmare they faced. The fear of rejection and the way of presenting was a fear in their minds. As time changed this has changed. The entrepreneurs are fearless, confident and ready to communicate with anyone. The context matters but what matters more is the will to communicate.

Entrepreneurship has also removed the restrictions on the time to communicate. Time zones do not matter when communicating something becomes essential. The entrepreneurs do not believe on fixed time to communicate with recent technology in their pockets. They are available 24X7. The time was a factor that used to bother in communication, not now.

The Bottom Line

The way entrepreneurship has affected the communication is huge and in the coming future, entrepreneurship promises to change many other things in business. The new tactics and methods in entrepreneurship is going to bring change in the way business is being done.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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