Why Images are Important for a Blog Post? - ToOLOwl
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Why Images are Important for a Blog Post?

Why-Images-are-Important-for-Blog-PostsDaily, we are bombarding tons of new content drafted from the efforts of bloggers. In most of the cases, blog post capture content, which aligns with the topic whereas, images are less likely to involve. However, images have equal importance when compared with words covering the space. They work like an explosion when added to the content.

For a regular and emerging blogger, it is important to understand the reasons for including images in the blog. Going further, not only you will come across the importance of images but also you can educate yourself with the categories of images.

When writing a blog post, you can include photos, graphics, tables, infographics, and screenshots.

Visually Appealing Posts

The best to create the impression for your blog post is through pictures. A visual dullness within the post is going to lose visitors even if the content is strong. Visually attractive post creates an emotional impact with the readers and compels one to take actions.

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The more the picture is visually attractive, the more are the chances of its promotion. Nevertheless, images are the primary focus of the post whereas the description comes later.

Extended Post

A bunch of words is not important to convey a message. For instance, a post with images and small descriptions are more capable of taking attention of readers. A reader deserves to relax and browse through well-adjusted images instead of huge bulks of text.

As a blogger, you can save some time by throwing well-picked images and take a break from writing bulk texts.

Higher SEO Rank

Give SEO friendly content to your readers and attain a better rank on search engines via images. The highest rank is given to the blog posts with images, videos, and self-explanatory presentations. Another SEO benefit is you can include titles, pages, and description straight in your content management system. Additionally, compress and resize your images for optimization and help them accomplish faster loading.

Social Media Exposure

Most of the viewers stick to a visually attractive image while scrolling their timeline. Any image with creative and emotional content can win a large amount of audience and receive more engagement than those without images. Sometimes, users tend to like an image due to its impact and not by the content mentioned within. So, to make your post stand out among the competition, use more and more images.

Visual Justifying Statements

Every blog post is written with an objective like some compels you to focus on your business strategy while others are a means to share information. Images are significant in achieving the objective and add a sense of motivation to it. For example, if your blog post is about weight loss then adding a visual example of a woman who has undergone the struggle will justify your illustration.

Mop Up the Competition

Images are the best weapon to lead among the emerging bloggers. Images creation for a blogger is essential skills to add a skill and attain a better market value from those who are just capable of writing. Create your own portfolio of images and let your employer take pride in hiring a blogger cum designer.

Simplifies Complex Information

When you are providing the technical data to your readers, keep in mind the non-tech savvy users as well. There are readers who wish to extract information but are unable due to the complexity involved. To serve this concern, include screenshots, as they are good for many reasons.  They will find much easier to deal with it and recognize the message easily.

Read Also: 3 Creative Ways to Build Buzz for Your Next Blog Post Before It Goes Live

Memorable Stories via Images

You have recently visited a place, which you would like to share it with the world. A blog post of your images is the right way to describe your journey and interest readers as the sole purpose of your blog. In addition to the pictures, you can add your experience in the form of description. Your adventurous story can compel readers to visit, encouraging you to become a travel blogger.

Achieve Professional Appeal

Not only the readers wish to gain the valuable information from the blog post but also they would like to read a blogger following professionalism. Let them keep you on their top list, appreciate your efforts in the form of custom illustrations, and diagram that you display. Thus, images reflect professionalism instead of bare text.

Structures it well

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, images add more value and readability to your blog post. With images, it is possible to structure the entire content in parts extending benefits to the blogger as well as readers. Images help in understanding which part to focus and enable them following the appropriate structure of the content.

The Bottom Line

No matter how good are your writing skills, you can miss some huge opportunities if you do not use images in the blog posts. Master the designing skills because text and graphics are getting interrelated than ever.

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