Best Collaboration software Product Review- zipBoard - ToOLOwl
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Best Collaboration software Product Review- zipBoard

Collaboration-Tools-Product-review-zipboardA web product before delivering to the clients is always reviewed for enhancements or bugs. But the task of reviewing isn’t easy. It becomes difficult to review, give feedback and describe the places to be focused. There is always a gap between developers and designers.

zipBoard one of the best collaboration software bridges this gap and helps the task review efficiently during development stages and even after the website is live. It allows users to collaborate, report and assign issues on the go. The application allows you to mark, comment and perform many other operations on the content which make the review more communicative.


Editions and Pricing

The application provides three pricing options. The Free edition, Team edition and Enterprise edition. The pricing of the editions vary and so do the features based on the price.

Plan Pricing (per month) Features
Free $0 ·         1 project
Team $29 ·         5 projects
Enterprise $99 ·         Unlimited projects

·         Custom Branding

·         Team and roles

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

product_review_zipBoard_create_projectCreate Project
The first screen that appears when a user logs in, gives the user the option to create new project. The users are provided with the option to enter project title and description.



The users can collaborate the project with their colleagues or the client by either adding the name of the user or by adding the email address of the person. You can also invite users by typing in their email address.



product_review_zipBoard_add_contentAdd Content
The application provides the users the option to review their website or a zip file.




The users can take screen shots of the pages, called the boards and make several modifications on the board. The users can also comment on the boards, mark a place and assign changes to team members.



product_review_zipBoard_activityActivity List
The list of activities performed in the project can be viewed easily in a timeline frame.




Mobile Accessibility

The application does not have any smartphones apps but the application can still be accessed from the google chrome browser on the mobile.


The application does not integrate with any other application. But to use the application the users need to add two extensions of the application to their Google Chrome browsers.


The application provides the means for the users to contact the support team by sending a message. The teams is however present on social sites like Facebook, Twitter and linkedIn.

Pros and Cons of zipBoard


  • Easy to use and collaborate.
  • Visual review on the pages and screenshots helps the review to be done faster.
  • The priority and the type of the task assigned can be set.


  • The application works only on Google Chrome.
  • The users must add the plug-ins to chrome only then they can review the project.
  • Applicable only for web based products.

Read Also: Collaboration tools product review – Integromat


Allowing the users to lively interact with the website and file to review and provide suggestion makes this application different from others.

For more details, please visit: zipBoard website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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