HR Tools Product Review- canUmeet - ToOLOwl
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HR Tools Product Review- canUmeet

HR Tools Product Review-canumeet

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Scheduling meetings are something that happens in every organization. Manually looking for empty slots in people’s schedules, to arrange a meeting is a great challenge. Especially for top priority tasks. Although many tools keeps a track of the schedules of the people’s works.

Still there a need for a tool that can efficiently pull in tasks from external sources. CanUmeet is one of the best online hr software that can help in this case. Its simple interface, powerful features, and rich integrations make it easy for the HR executives to schedule meetings.

Editions and Pricing

The application is in beta version. CanUmeet is expected to release its pricing plans and more exciting features soon.

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

CanUmeet-CreateEventCreating an Event
You can create an event as you like and invite people to join it right from the dashboard. The application lets you create One to One event, Group Event, and Team Event. For this, all you need to do is, to click on the “Create Event” button and quickly get started. Details include:

  • Event Name
  • Duration in hours and minutes
  • Event Location, and
  • Description

CanUmeet-SharinfAvailability Share Availability
The application lets you share your availability online for the next seven days. This feature helps your team members to plan tasks and projects more effectively.

Sharing the information about your free time slots can make people schedule appointments with you for meetings.

CanUmeet-TheEventsSectionThe Events Section
The events section lets you have a broad look at all the events you have created, or you are a part of. The options are:

  • Edit
  • Share
  • Embed
  • Copy URL
  • Clone
  • Qr Code, ad
  • Delete

CanUmeet-PowerfulIntegrationsRobust Integrations
The application integrates with some external platforms to schedule events better. The apps are:


Payment Apps
CanUmeet offers integration with Stripe. This combination helps you collect fees while your clients plan events.

Calendar Apps
The calendar apps make things easier for you. They can directly pull in events if they are already present in calendar apps. The popular calendar apps are:

  • Google Calendar
  • Outlook, and
  • iCloud Calendar

Other online apps include:

  • Mailchimp
  • Slack, and
  • unifiedVU

CanUmeet-AnalyticsKeepsYouInformedAnalytics keep you Informed
CanUmeet is loaded with powerful analytic capabilities that keep you informed about all your scheduled events. Their occurrences, their re-occurrences, and their cancellations.

The analytics feature provides separate records about Number of events scheduled, canceled and rescheduled. This shows a clear picture about the workflow in your organization and makes you take more informed decisions. The application offers Page Analytics- Number of Page Views and Number of Unique Visitors.

Mobile Accessibility

The application is in Beta version and is unavailable for the mobile devices and across iOS and Android platforms.


The external integrates includes:

  • Stripe
  • Google Calendar
  • Outlook
  • iCloud Calendar
  • Mailchimp
  • Slack, and
  • unifiedVU


The application supports its users in some ways:

  • Online chat support
  • Feedback and reviews about the product and its services.
  • FAQ, and
  • Email Support

Pros and Cons of canUmeet


  • Simple interface to sign up and instantly get started.
  • Some integrations let you pull in events and tasks smoothly.
  • Instant notifications keep you on the track of the activities.


  • Feature to attach files with a meeting can add value to the product.

Read also: Online hr software product review – SumHr


  • Robust analytics offers insights about the new schedules.
  • The efficient classification of meetings.

For more details, please visit canUmeet website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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