10 Best Blogging Apps - ToOLOwl
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10 Best Blogging Apps

10-best-blogging-appsThe number of online blogging platforms is increasing rapidly, as do the number of bloggers. Everyone has something interesting or useful to share and what better way to share your ideas and knowledge with the world than to blog about it. If you’re an avid blogger, you’d know that interesting ideas can pop up inside your head at any time of the day. You can get the inspiration for a good blog from anywhere, even when you’re away from your personal computers or laptops. Blogging apps give a big relief to such bloggers as it enables them to continue blogging from their smartphones anywhere, anytime! That’s why we have compiled 10 of the best blogging apps preferred by most bloggers around the world to help you write and manage your blogs with ease. Take a look:

Product Details
Blogging app _wordpress WordPress is the most widely used blogging app and can be used by bloggers from all industries. This app supports both self-hosted blogs and the ones that are hosted on WordPress.com. You can perform all the basic blogging tasks of writing, editing, posting, viewing statistics, adding images or managing comments.
Blogging App_Blogger Blogger is Google’s blogging apps. Its functionalities are sort of limited when you compare it to WordPress, but, being developed by Google, it has its own advantages. It is pretty easy to sign in, you just need your Google credentials. The app allows you to switch between different blogs if you have more than one.
Blogging App_ writer  How writer differs from other apps is that it is not distractive as other apps are. Writer provides you a distraction free environment where you can focus exclusively on writing.
Blogging App_Tumblr Tumblr is mainly for micro bloggers. Tumblr users will get some useful features for posting blogs, managing comments and work on multiple Tumblr blogs. You can also view your address book to follow your Tumblr blogs contacts.
Blogging App_Livejournal The mobile app for LiveJournal is almost similar to the desktop version. It provides all the functionalities of managing posts, publishing them, managing comments and saving drafts. You can and photos and also conduct your own polls.
Blogging App_Blogger-droid Blogger-droid has a number of features similar to the Blogger app. You can create, publish, view and edit your posts. You can upload pics according to the size and quality you choose. You can also schedule posts to be published on a particular time.
Evernote Evernote is yet another great blogging app, it allows you to collect articles from the web. It offers a powerful search and allows you to make hand written notes in a neat distraction-free workspace, they can be opened from any device. Evernote offers many other premium features too.
Blogging App_HubPages  HubPages is a community where the members can create themed webpages. Here every hub is focused around a single theme. The user can create a hub and add different media items in it like images, maps, videos and links. You can also conduct polls and quizzes.
Blogging App_Overblog Using OverBlog the users can earn revenue for sharing their ideas. They can create their blogs, set the design for it and also use functions to maximize the blog’s reach.
Blogging App_Typepad TypePad helps its users in creating genuine and attractive blogs on any theme. The users can select a premade design or create their own design using the customization tools. Bloggers can also track their blog popularity using statics.


These portable blogging platforms make it much easier for bloggers to create and manage blogs while they’re not around their Laptops.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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