Do’s and Don’ts to market small business on Google+ - ToOLOwl
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Do’s and Don’ts to market small business on Google+

Marketing-Google+Google+ is part of a bigger plan launched by Google that is not a competitor of other social media sites. Instead, it evolves the way we relate to one another and how we communicate with the world and our own personal sphere. For business perspective, Google+ allows you to bring your brand closer to followers and prospective customers.

The one key reason why you should choose Google+ for business is, everything you post on G+ is immediately indexed by Google that turns search engine results positive. It really works when you google your business name and seems awesome when you see images with personalized URL in search results.

It is a great deal when you see numerous resources in one single place like Google Docs, Google maps, Hangouts, and communities. It helps you to optimize your marketing strategy and take your brand even further. As soon as you raise your hand questioning ‘how to use G+ in the right way?’ here are some Do’s and Don’ts that help you to market your small business on Google+.


  • Know your audience: When you plan for marketing on G+ it is crucial to get to know your audience. You should think like a customer rather than a sales team member and customize your content accordingly.
  • Build credibility: There should be uniformity on how you place your brand in digital marketing. Once the visitor like your page for updates and get attentive with your profile, it can further result in lead generation.
  • Promote your page: What visitors like on G+? It can be infographics and images linked to your page. The best thing Google+ caters is the +1 button on your website or anywhere on the web. The +1 button redirects to your G+ page and increases findability.
  • Use visual tracking: Google+ allows you to track visitors visually on a bigger photo, then why not leverage. The updates should include effective messages that can be the decisive factor whether a customer is drawn in to learn more, or immediately moved on.
  • Join communities: Bring your business profile to the trending communities where you can interact, share ideas, feedback, new offers and services. Getting involved with the customer’s likes may establish trust in your brand.


  • Don’t Overbrand: G+ is a social community so you should act socially. Over posts can turn your followers away. The posts should contain short attractive sentences, more infographics, and other media updates.
  • Don’t get personal: If you are about to mention something, don’t post personal opinions. Use hashtags for trending stuff and + for companies you want to mention. Keep your profile professional.
  • Don’t neglect your profile: Make sure that all the pertinent business information is filled out in your G+ page. Don’t skip any important details and use keywords your customers are using to find your business page. Set best suitable profile picture and add images as much as you can.
  • Don’t forget to claim authorship: in author details, you set a summary about your business, but still you should claim authorship. When you google your business name should appear there, if not, set one using the business site or use tags.
  • Don’t forget about circles: The cool thing about G+ is, it allows you to group people in different circles and post in the way you want to target customers. An effective content will better engage your audience.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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