Blue Cliff Media- A business started in just seven days - ToOLOwl
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Blue Cliff Media- A business started in just seven days

Blue-Cliff-Media-A-business-started-in-just-seven-daysMarketing is one of the important aspects for every business to run. And with the advancement in technology and increase in the number of social media users, digital marketing attracts more customers and clients. Knowing this fact, almost all the business have started focusing on digital marketing.

But the question is, is it effective? Is this marketing offering you a good ROI? Most business do not get it right and get to know that their digital marketing is not bringing in flows. Understanding this concept, Gavin Bell launched Adworthy in seven days in June, 2015.


About Gavin

Gavin Bell was born in 1994 and was always interested in business. After his school he joined Jones Enterprise Academy at Oldham College. There he not only got the highest grades but won the Entrepreneur of the Year and was invited to the Buckingham Palace to collect the prize. During his studies he started a business, Alba Fitness. But that didn’t run successfully and so he had to close it. Having lost the first battle he wasn’t ready to give up. He came back with a new business, which is the Blue Cliff Media now, in just seven days.

Adworthy to Blue Cliff Media

Having started the business in a very short span, Gavin did not focus much on the name. He then had to change the name to Blue Cliff Media after starting his business as there already existed a company with the same name. Gavin believes that had he thought of the name before starting the business, he wouldn’t have had to waste his time after starting the business. The name Blue Cliff comes from his favourite spot in Shetland Islands, where he would sit on the cliff and watch the blue sea. Gavin says that it has been a learning for him and has learnt three important things, not to be naïve, business is more important than the name and time is valuable in any business.

Facebook Advertising

The agency initially offered complete social media services like social media management, designing the strategy etc. Having noticed the changes in social media, Gavin Bell modified and changed his methods and strategies accordingly. And that led him to Facebook Advertising. Gavin has from then delivered good advertisements, bringing in more ROI.

What Does Blue Cliff Media Provide?

Having more than 1 billion users on Facebook every day, makes Facebook one of the most desired platform for social media advertising. The agency’s prime focus is Facebook Advertising. The agency helps in creating ads and designing the strategies for you company based on your requirements and within your ad budget.

The Bottom Line

The agency focuses on getting you the results. Other than Facebook Advertising, the agency also provides a couple of other services that might benefit the business. The services are SEO, web design, social media management, email marketing and content marketing.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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