Top Communication Tools Product Review - Fraynk - ToOLOwl
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Top Communication Tools Product Review – Fraynk


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An open communication channel that helps team members to share their views openly and honestly can help the business to grow. Often team members are uncomfortable sharing their personal views about any business activity or issues they face during their job with their peers or supervisors. To bridge up this gap and to offer an open channel of communication, Fraynk a top communication tool for small business lets people communicate and share their views and feedbacks on a number of topics. This is an open communication platform that can help an organization grow by letting its employees discuss ideas, feedbacks, and concerns openly.

Editions and Pricing

The details about editions and pricing are as under:

Free Version Free
Premium Features Version $1 per user per month

Capabilities and Supporting Set of Features

Fraynk-TheDashboardThe Fraynk Dashboard
As soon as you sign up with Fraynk, the application takes you to the dashboard before gathering some details about your company. The dashboard initially displays some recent feedbacks about your company’s communication.



Fraynk-StartAConversation Start a Conversation
You can start a new conversation from the dashboard. The questions that you create through Fraynk are anonymous. This helps team members to communicate with each other frankly and resolve doubts without revealing their identity. The messenger responds to the messages but participants here never know one’s true identity. Once a conversation has been started, it is displayed in the Conversation tab of the tool.



Fraynk-SuggestionsQuestionsSuggesting Questions
Other than the conversations, you can also fire questions or feedbacks that reach to your boss. These can be later used to any references or details. Unlike conversations, the questions are not displayed in a separate tab or the dashboard, instead, they are directly shared with your manager.


Fraynk-SharingFeedbacksSharing Feedbacks
You can share feedbacks on comments and communicate with your team on issues you want to discuss on. The feedback section shows all the feedbacks. You can click on any one and select that to start a conversation. You can also keep your comment private if you do not wish to share that with your team. Every participant has three choices to send feedback- Positive, Negative, and a Neutral.


Fraynk-InvitePeopleToFraynkInvite people to Fraynk
Fraynk lets you invite more people from your team so that you can collaborate with them and make better and informed decisions. This also helps teams to communicate to achieve business goals together. For this, Fraynk offers a separate section in the application from where you can send invites and join in more team members to collaborate.

Mobile Accessibility

The application is currently unavailable on mobile devices.


The application’s free version does not integrate with any other external platform currently.


  • The tool has online live chat support for all its users.
  • Fraynk offers a FAQ section describing all the basic features of the application.

Pros and Cons of Fraynk


  • Highly secure and two-way communication on business issues.
  • The conversations are kept anonymous but, if the participants break rules, their identity is revealed.


  • A mobile application can be a handy feature for people to share their views.

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  • Anonymous conversations make participants to feel comfortable sharing views.
  • Everybody gets feedback and is free to communicate on business or operational issues without revealing their true identity.

For more details, please visit Fraynk website.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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