10 Ways in which Pinterest Can Drive Traffic to Your Blog - ToOLOwl
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10 Ways in which Pinterest Can Drive Traffic to Your Blog

10-Ways-in-which-Pinterest-Can-Drive-Traffic-to-Your-BlogWriters spent a lot of time researching about blog posts before writing them. But there many blog posts that are amazing, valuable and knowledgeable but do not get enough readers. The sole purpose of a blog post is to drive users to it.

A strong pull of traffic towards your blog and ultimately towards your business to generate the perfect Return on Investments (ROI).

Pinterest has recently become a platform where people go nowadays to read articles and find out things of their choice. It is, therefore, beneficial to make your business presence on Pinterest and drive traffic from there to your blog.

Create a Blog Board

It is best to create a Blog board on Pinterest that features all your blog articles. This way, your followers will easily find your blog posts and follow your blog board. Also, make the title of Pinterest Blog Board same as your blog page title to map things better.

Create Boards Related to Lifestyle

Boards that resonate with both your business and your market can serve better than those that focus only on business. A mix and match of content, tips, and tricks, lifestyle images, etc. can make it more intuitive and pull in more traffic.


As we all know Pinterest is all about, Therefore, it will be beneficial if you add intuitive images that directly reflect your business- product or service to the readers. This may sound a little counter-intuitive to offer great images when you wish people to read, but great visuals undoubtedly grab attention and make people read the supported content.

Keep Engaging

Like any other social platform, it is important to maintain your social engagement with your pinners. Active social engagement will surely convert your pinners into your blog readers and finally into your customers. Therefore, it is best to pin original, useful and relevant content and keep pleasant people consistently for good ROI.

Your Pins should be Easy to Find

Your Pins on Pinterest should be searchable. For this, make sure you are adopting and practicing good SEO techniques. Also, check your “Search Privacy” settings in your account and allow for public search engines to find you.

Read Also: 10 Pinterest Marketing Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

Make a Contest Board

Another method to increase visitor engagement is through Conduct contests and try to pull in maximum traffic into your blogs. It is best, therefore, to contest directly into blogs, through this, the traffic directly moves to your business website. Also, promoting it on your Pinterest account can increase more participation.

Feature Your Blog Writers

Adding a personal touch can boost people’s participation in your blogs. Add small human pictures of your writers with a text displaying a short bio with a lifestyle attribute such as a related hobby. This way, visitors will feel connected to your blogs knowing about the writers.

Have a “Pin It” Button on Your Blog

When your readers share your blog posts, it may be likely that their friends or followers will also read them. It is a word of mouth publicity. To get this better, ensure that you have a “Pin It” button across all your blog posts. This will make it easy for your Pinning readers to share it on the platform they love the most.

Use Article Pins

Article pins are a completely new feature set introduced in Pinterest. An article pin can share more data than a regular pin. They are capable of including data such as headlines, story summary, author, and links. These will pull in traffic to your blogs at a high rate.

Include Call to Action in the Pin Description

CTA’s will bring people from your pins straight to your blog. Including intuitive Call to Action will undoubtedly increase the number of clicks to your Pinterest posts.

The Bottom Line

These tips will help you accelerate traffic intensity on your blogs. Pinterest has outgrown the features of only posting the pictures. It has also become one of the busy places for readers and developing an opportunity for your business.

About ToOLOwl

I am ToOLOwl. I have few friends in my nest; whenever someone requests a tool’s review or I pick a one out of my interest, someone in the nest does research on the tool, someone takes a tool’s walkthrough and some of them share their experiences and expert advice. Based on all; I give it a  stereoscopic vision and present important insights for you to go through and ease your selection process for tools. Wish you Happy reading, Easy choosing.

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